摘要 | 在相邻格子抽样调查的基础上,采用X2检验、联结系数(AC)和Jaccard指数(JI)等指标,分析了武夷山风景名胜区天然林乔木层主要种群的种间联结性。结果表明,15个主要种群间的总体联结性极显著相关。除少数种对外,绝大多数种对间的联结性不显著。在联结性显著的种对中,毛竹-木荷(Phyllostachys edulis-Schima superba)、黄瑞木-卷斗青冈(Adinandra mellettii-Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma)及卷斗青冈-杨梅叶蚊母树(Cyclobalanopsispachyloma-Distylium myricoides)间存在显著正联结,而种对马尾松-杉木(Pinus massoniana-Cunninghmialanceolata)、马尾松-青冈(Pinus massoniana-Cyclobalanopsis glauca)、杉木-毛竹(Cunninghmia lanceolata-Phyllostachys edulis)、杉木-米槠(Cunninghmia lanceolata-Castanopsis carlesii)、杉木-木荷(Cunninghmia lanceolata-Schima superba)及杉木-黄瑞木(Cunninghmia lanceolata-Adinandra mellettii)等27个种对间存在较高的负联结。 |
Abstract | Based on the data collected from continuous quadral grid through sampling method, the interspecific association of main populations in arborous layer of nature forest in Wuyishan Scenery District was analyzed by means of X 2-test and some indexes including as sociation coefficient (AC) and Jaccardindex (JI) and soon. The results showed that the over all association was significantly positive correlation among fifteen main populations and the interspecific association was not obviously correlation between most of species-pairs. There was close lypositive association among some species-pairs such as Phyllostachys edulis-Schima superba, Adinandra mellettii-Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma, Cyclobalanopsis pachyloma-Distylium myricoides. There was closely negative association among 27species-pairs such as Pinusmassoniana-Cunninghmia lanceolata, Pinusmassoniana-Cyclobalanopsisglauca, Cunninghmia lanceolata-Phyllostachysedulis, Cunninghmia lanceolata-Castanopsis carlesii,Cunninghmia lanceolata-Schima superba,Cunninghmia lanceolata-Adinandra mellettii and so on. |
关键词 | 天然林; 主要种群; 种间联结; 武夷山风景名胜区; |
Key words | nature forest; main population; interspecific association; Wuyishan Scenery District |
作者 | 苏炳霖,何东进,洪 伟,刘勇生,何小娟,杨 俊 |
所在单位 | 福建农林大学林学院,福建福州350002 |
点击量 | 1319 |
下载次数 | 999 |
基金项目 | 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(D0310018); 福建省教育厅资助项目(JA03078); |