2025年3月7日 星期五
无籽刺梨杂交起源: 来自分子数据的证据
Molecular evidence for hybridization origin of Rosa ×sterilis ( Rosaceae)
2015年 第24卷 第4期 页码[10-17]    下载全文[1MB]  

  为追溯无籽刺梨(Rosa ×sterilis S. D. Shi)的物种起源,以该种及同Ⅱ分布的蔷薇属(Rosa Linn.)14 种、2 变种和2 变型为实验材料,并以小叶金露梅(Potentilla parvifolia Fisch.)为外类群,选取5 个叶绿体基因片段(psbAtrnHtrnL-trnFtrnK-matKpsbI-psbKrpoC1)及2 个核基因片段(ITS 和GAPDH)进行扩增和测序,并据此利用贝叶斯分析(BI)和最大似然法(ML)进行系统发育重建。结果显示:5 个叶绿体基因片段联合组成1 个全长3 365 bp的数据集,在据此构建的BI 系统树中,无籽刺梨与长尖叶蔷薇(R. longicuspis Bertol.)聚在一起,后检验率(PP)为0.96、靴带支持率(LB)为81%。43 条ITS 序列组成1 个全长617 bp 的数据集,在据此构建的BI 系统树中,无籽刺梨的4 个单倍型与缫丝花(R. roxburghii Tratt.)、白花刺梨(R. roxburghii f. candida S. D. Shi)和无刺刺梨(R.  roxburghii f. inermis S. D. Shi)构成分支a,PP 值为1. 00、LB 值为98%;无籽刺梨的另外3 个单倍型与软条七蔷薇(R. henryi Bouleng.)及长尖叶蔷薇的2 个单倍型共同构成分支b,PP 值为0. 93、LB 值为85%。63 条GAPDH 基因序列组成1 个全长883 bp 的数据集,在据此构建的BI 系统树中,无籽刺梨单倍型H2 与长尖叶蔷薇的2 个单倍型聚为分支,PP 值为1. 00、LB 值为99%;无籽刺梨单倍型H1 和H3 与缫丝花、白花刺梨和无刺刺梨聚为分支B,PP值为1. 00、LB 值为100%;无籽刺梨单倍型H4 单独聚为一支。综合分析结果表明:无籽刺梨起源于长尖叶蔷薇与缫丝花的天然杂交,长尖叶蔷薇和缫丝花分别为其母本和父本。



In order to trace back to origin of Rosa ×sterilis S. D. Shi, taking R. ×sterilis and fourteen species, two varieties and two forms of Rosa Linn. in its same domain distribution as materials and taking Potentilla parvifolia Fisch. as outgroup, five chloroplast gene fragments (including psbA-trnH, trnL-trnF, trnK-matK, psbI-psbK and rpoC1) and two nuclear gene fragments (including ITS and GAPDH) were amplified and sequenced, on this basis, phylogenetic reconstruction was performed by Bayesian inference (BI) and Maximum likelihood method (ML). The results show that a dataset with whole length of 3 365 bp is constructed by combining five chloroplast gene fragments, and in BI phylogenetic tree hereby constructed, R. ×sterilis and R. longicuspis Bertol. are clustered together, with posterior probability (PP) of 0. 96 and bootstrap percentage (LB) of 81%. A dataset with whole length of 617 bp is constructed by 43 ITS sequences, and in BI phylogenetic tree hereby constructed, four haplotypes of R. ×sterilis, R. roxburghii Tratt., R. roxburghii f. candida S. D. Shi and R. roxburghii f. inermis S. D. Shi are constituted together in branch a, with PP value of 1. 00 and LB value of 98%, and other three haplotypes of R. ×sterilis, R. henryi Bouleng. and two haplotypes of R. longicuspis are constituted together in branch b, with PP value of 0. 93 and LB value of 85%. A dataset with whole length of 883 bp is constructed by 63 GAPDH gene sequences, and in BI phylogenetic tree hereby constructed, R. ×sterilis haplotype H2 and two haplotypes of R. longicuspis are clustered in branch A, with PP value of 1. 00 and LB value of 99%, R. ×sterilis haplotype H1 and H3, R. roxburghii, R. roxburghii f. candida and R. roxburghii f. inermis are clustered in branch B, with PP value of 1. 00 and LB value of 100%, and R. ×sterilis haplotype H4 is clustered alone in a branch. The comprehensive analyzed result shows that R. ×sterilis originates in natural hybrid of R. longicuspis and R. roxburghii, and R. longicuspis and R. roxburghii are its maternal parent and aternal parent, respectively.

关键词无籽刺梨; 物种形成; 核基因; 叶绿体基因; 杂交亲本; 系统发育树
Key wordsRosa ×sterilis S. D. Shi; speciation; nuclear gene; chloroplast gene; hybrid parent; phylogenetic tree
作者邓亨宁1a,1b, 高信芬1a,1b, 李先源2, 周洪英3
所在单位1. 中国科学院成都生物研究所: a. 中国科学院山地生态恢复与生物资源利用重点实验室,
b. 生态恢复与生物多样性保育四川省重点实验室, 四川成都610041;
2. 西南大学园艺园林学院重庆市花卉工程技术研究中心, 重庆400716; 3. 贵州省植物园, 贵州贵阳550004
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(31070173; 31110103911); 中国科学院知识创新项目(KSCX2-EW-J-22; KSCX2-EW-Z-1); 贵州省农业科技攻关计划项目(黔科合NY 字[2010]3030)