2024年10月23日 星期三
Studies on resources of Chinese drugs Beimu
1993年 第2卷 第3期 页码[12-17]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

贝母为传统中药,中国药典(1990)收载了川贝母(Fritillaria cirrhosa D.Don.)、暗紫贝母(F. unibracteata Hsiao et K.C.Hsia)、甘肃贝母(F. przewalskii Maxim ex Batal. )、梭砂贝母(F. delavayi Franch.)、浙贝母(F.thunbergii Miq.)和平贝母(F. ussuriensis Maxim).等8种。最近对四川、甘肃、新疆、湖北、浙江和江苏等省区的药源调查结果表明,各地药用的贝母有25个种和变种,其中最常用的有暗紫贝母、甘肃贝母、梭砂贝母、伊贝母、新疆贝母、托理贝母、平贝母和湖北贝母。20余种贝母所含生物碱的TLC和HPLC分析结果表明各种贝母所含生物碱有一定区别,并与产地有关,产于湖北、浙江和江苏省的种类都含有去氢贝母碱,大多含贝母碱和异贝母碱;产于四川、甘肃和新疆的种类都含有西贝素和去氢梭砂贝母碱,大多含茄次碱,产于四川的种类都含去氢川贝碱,产于新疆的种类都含梭砂贝母碱。本研究为建立贝母的品质评价方法和开发药用资源提供了科学依据。


Beimu (Bulbus Fritillariae) is a traditional Chinese drug, Chinese Pharmacopoeia ( 1990 )recorded that the botanical origin of Beimu ate as follows: Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don, F. unibracteata Hsiao et K.C.Hsia, F. przewalskii Maxim ex Batal., F. delavayi Franch., F.thunbergii Miq. , F.ussuriensis Maxim. A recent survey of drug resources in Sichuan, Gansu , Xinjiang , Hubei . Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces revealed that the plants under the general name Beimu involve 25 species and varieties from Gen. Fritillaria. Among those, the most  widely spread and most public used are F. unibracteata, F. przewalskii, F. delavayi, F. pallidiflora, F. walujewii, F. torlifolia, F. ussuriensis and F. hupehensis. The alkaloids contained in the .bulbs of 20 species and varieties mentioned above were compared on the basis of TLC and HPLC with 10 alkaloid crystals as the authentic samples. The results showed that the .various species were different from each other in terms of alkaloids present. The result also showed that the kind of alkaloid in Fritillaria bulbs as related to the locality of plants. Fritillaria bulbs from Hubei, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces all contain verticinone, most of them have verticine and isoverticine, those from Sichuan , Gansu and Xinjiang all contain imperialine and delavinone, most of them have solanidine, those from Sichuan all contain chuanbeinone, those from Xinjiang contain delavine.

关键词贝母; 药源调查; 定性分析;
Key wordsBulbus Fritillariae; Beimu; survey of drug resources; quanlititive analysis
作者李 萍 ,徐国钧
所在单位中国 药科大学 , 南 京 2 2 0 0 0 9