摘要 | 新疆天山西部海拔800~1600m之间的逆温层,冬季气温比平原地区高,降水充沛,有着丰富的植物资源。在分析逆温层优越的自然条件的基础上,作者认为利用伊犁逆温层的适宜条件,开发野生果树资源,发展苹果生产以及运用生态效益与经济效益相结合的原则,综合开发伊犁逆温层植物资源,保护生态环境是促进山区经济发展的有效途径。 |
Abstract | The inversion layer in Yili , Xinjiang (west of Tian Shan Mountain , alt. 800- 1 600 m ) is rich in plant resources where temperature is higher than that in plain and with abundant precipitation. After analysing the advantages of its natural condition, the author considered that exploitation of wild fruit tree particularly to develop the apple tree cultivation is available and on the principle of combination with ecological and economic effects. comprehensive utilization of plant resources of inversion layer and protection of ecological environment is the effective way to promote the economy in this mountain area. |
关键词 | 逆温层; 植物资源; 苹果; |
Key words | inyersion layer: plant resources; apple tree |
作者 | 顾鹤寿 |
所在单位 | 新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州 伊宁 835000 |
点击量 | 1328 |
下载次数 | 954 |