2025年3月14日 星期五
前胡属( Peucedan um L .) 血清分类学研究
Serotaxonomy of Peucedanum L .in China
1998年 第7卷 第1期 页码[20-26]    下载全文[0.9MB]  

利用琼脂板双扩散沉淀反应对我国前胡属( Peucedanum L.) 13 2 变种的叶片蛋白质进行了血清学分析, 根据血清相似性将所分析的种类分成 5 个类群, 其中石防风P .terebinthaceum ( Fisch .) Fisch .ex T urcz.〕、刺尖前胡( P .elegans Komarov ) 和白花前胡( P .praeruptorum Dunn)各自为一类群, 其余种类分别以华北前胡( P .harry-smithii Fedde ex Wolff ) 和华山前胡( P .
led ebourielloides
K .T.Fu) 为代表分成二个类群结合形态地理等资料, 分别讨论了各血清学类群的种间关系和分类学问题


According to the serological similarity, five serological groupings were detected by the cluster analysis and the polar ordination .These five groupings corresponded to P .terebinthaceum , P .elegans, P .praeruptorum ;P .harry-smithii which is a reprensentation of the grouping being 4 species and 1 variety, and P .ledebourielloides which is a reprensentation of the grouping being 6 species and 1 variety .High serological similarity occourred between P .harry-smithii ( including P .harry-smithii var. grande) and P.ampliatum .P .mashanense and P .guangx iense formed a very
close serological unit, perhaps they were original in
Peucedanum in China.P.ledebourielloides and P.wawrae had high serological similarity , and can be regarded as a new section in Peucedanum . Distinct protein difference were detected in P .terebinthaceum and P .terebinthaceum var.deltoideum .Serological data supported that the division of P .terebinthaceum and P .elegans belonged to two sections of Peucedanum , respectively .

关键词前胡属; 伞形科; 血清分类学; 系统与演化
Key wordsPeucedanum L .; Umbelliferae; sero tax onomy; sy stematics and evolution
作者刘启新,惠 红,佘孟兰
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014