2025年1月26日 星期日
不同内生真菌对缺磷条件下千年桐幼苗生长及 C、N、P和K含量的影响
Effects of different endophytic fungi on growth and contents of C, N, P, and K of seedlings of Aleurites montana under phosphorus deficiency condition
2017年 第26卷 第4期 页码[32-44]    下载全文[1.1MB]  

将分离自千年桐〔Aleurites montana (Lour.) Wils.〕体内的4种内生真菌优势菌株〔SJ4、SJ3和ZG3菌株(青霉属Penicillium)以及SY1菌株(嗜热真菌属Thermomyces)〕接种在其盆栽苗根部,研究了内生真菌对不同程度缺磷条件下栽培60 d后千年桐幼苗生长及叶片和根中营养元素积累的影响。结果表明:在正常供磷以及轻度、中度和重度缺磷〔供磷量分别为48、24、12和0 mg·kg-1〕条件下,接菌与未接菌(对照)幼苗的各项生长指标均存在不同程度差异;而随缺磷程度增大,接菌与未接菌幼苗的各项生长指标也呈现不同的变化趋势。其中,在正常供磷和轻度缺磷条件下,接菌幼苗的干质量、地径增长率和株高增长率与对照均无显著差异(P>0.05);在中度缺磷条件下,接种SJ4菌株的幼苗干质量、地径增长率和株高增长率明显高于对照;在重度缺磷条件下,接种SJ3菌株的幼苗干质量以及接种SJ4菌株的幼苗地径增长率和株高增长率均明显高于对照。在正常供磷条件下,对照的幼苗叶片和根中C、N、P和K含量以及C∶N比总体上高于接菌幼苗或与后者无显著差异;但在不同程度缺磷条件下,对照的幼苗叶片和根中C、N、P和K含量以及C∶N比总体上降低,而部分接菌幼苗叶片和根中C、N、P和K含量以及C∶N比则不同程度提高。其中,在重度缺磷条件下,接种SJ3和ZG3菌株的幼苗叶片中C、P和K含量以及C∶N比,接种SJ4菌株的幼苗叶片和根中N、P和K含量以及接种SY1菌株的幼苗叶片和根中N和P含量均显著(P<0.05)高于对照。综合分析结果表明:在缺磷条件下,接种内生真菌均有利于千年桐幼苗生长和营养元素积累,其中,青霉菌属菌株的促生效果及其对K积累的促进效果总体上优于嗜热真菌属菌株,但嗜热真菌属菌株对P积累的促进效果则优于青霉菌属菌株。


Four dominant endophytic fungus strains 〔SJ4, SJ3 and ZG3 strains (Penicillium), and SY1 strain (Thermomyces)〕 isolated from Aleurites montana (Lour.) Wils. were inoculated on root of potted seedlings, and effects of endophytic fungi on growth of seedlings and nutrient element accumulation in leaf and root of A. montana after cultivating for 60 d under different degrees of phosphorus deficiency conditions were studied. The results show that there are different degrees of differences in each growth index of seedlings inoculated with or without (the control) fungus strains under conditions of normal phosphorus supply, and light, moderate and severe phosphorus deficiency (48, 24, 12, and 0 mg·kg-1 of phosphorus supply amount, respectively); with increasing of phosphorus deficiency degree, each growth index of seedlings inoculated with or without fungus strains show different variation tendencies. In which, there is no significant difference (P>0.05) in dry weight, increasing rates of ground diameter and height of seedlings inoculated with fungus strains and the control under conditions of normal phosphorus supply and light phosphorus deficiency; under moderate phosphorus deficiency condition, above growth indexes of seedlings inoculated with SJ4 strain are obviously higher than those of the control; under severe phosphorus deficiency condition, dry weight of seedlings inoculated with SJ3 strain and increasing rates of ground diameter and height of seedlings inoculated with SJ4 strain are obviously higher than those of the control. Under normal phosphorus supply condition, contents of C, N, P and K, and C∶N ratio in leaf and root of seedlings of the control are generally higher than those of seedlings inoculated with fungus strains or show no significant difference with the latter; but under different degrees of phosphorus deficiency conditions, contents of C, N, P and K, and C∶N ratio in leaf and root of seedlings of the control decrease in general, while those of some seedlings inoculated with fungus strains increase at different degrees. In which, under severe phosphorus deficiency condition, contents of C, P and K, and C∶N ratio in leaf of seedlings inoculated with SJ3 and ZG3 strains, contents of N, P, and K in leaf and root of seedlings inoculated with SJ4 strain, and contents of N and P in leaf and root of seedlings inoculated with SY1 strain are all significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the control. The comprehensive analysis results show that inoculating endophytic fungi are beneficial for growth and nutrient element accumulation of seedlings of A. montana under phosphorus deficiency condition, in which, promoting effect on growth and K accumulation of Penicillium strains are better than those of Thermomyces strains, while promoting effect on P accumulation of Thermomyces strains are better than that of Penicillium strains.

关键词缺磷条件; 内生真菌; 千年桐; 生长指标; 养分含量
Key wordsphosphorus deficiency condition; endophytic fungus; Aleurites montana (Lour.) Wils.; growth index; nutrient content
作者欧阳玉莹1a,1b, 洪滔1a,1b, 洪陈洁1a,1b, 陈欣凡1a,1b, 李彬1a,1b, 陈建忠2, 吴承祯1a,1b,3, 林晗1a,1b
所在单位1. 福建农林大学: a. 林学院, b. 福建省高校森林生态系统过程与经营重点实验室, 福建 福州 350002;
2. 福建建阳市林业局, 福建 南平 354200; 3. 武夷学院, 福建 武夷山 354300
基金项目国家重点科技“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0601304); 国家林业局杉木工程技术研究中心成果孵化基金项目(6213C011110); 福建省林业厅推广项目(K8514204A); 福建农林大学科技创新专项基金项目(CXZX2016056)