2025年3月12日 星期三
Comparisons of zinc nutritional characteristics of Zn-poor and Zn-rich grain genotype rice
2000年 第9卷 第3期 页码[26-29]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

采用溶液培养和放射性同位素技术, 比较籽粒低锌含量基因型水稻( Oryza sativa L .) 湘早籼 17 与籽粒高锌含量基因型水稻 V56 根系形态及有关生理特性的差异, 发现 V 56 的根系比湘早籼 17 ( 根较长, 根体积较大, 生物量较高) 根冠比值较高及根系吸收锌的 K m值较低, 因而对锌的吸收量较大这些特性可作为筛选籽粒高锌含量基因型水稻的指标


Comparative studies on the difference of root morphological and physiological characteristics related with zinc absorption between two varieties of rice , one named “Xiangzhaoxian 17” which belongs to Zn-poor grain genotype and the other named V56 which belongs to Zn-rich grain genotype, were carried out by means of using solution culture and radioisotope techniques. Compared with “Xiangzhaoxian 17”, V56 has bigger root system ( longer length, bigger volume and greater biomass) , greater root-top ratio, and lower K m value of zinc uptake by root, so that V56 absorbs zinc more efficiently . These characteristics may be used as indexes for screening Zn-rich grain genotype rice.

关键词水稻; 高锌籽粒; 根形态; 根冠比; Km值;
Key wordsrice; Zn-rich grain; root morphology; root-top ratio; K m value
作者郑小林,彭克勤 ,胡笃敬
所在单位湛江师范学院生物系, 湛江 524048
湖南农业大学理学院, 长沙 410128
基金项目湖南省教育委员会资助项目 湛江师范学院博士基金资助项目( 98106)