摘要 | 为揭示湖北红椿(Toona ciliata Roem.)种群间及种群内小叶表型性状的变异规律,对湖北16个红椿天然种群的10个小叶表型性状进行了比较;在此基础上,对各小叶表型性状进行了巢式方差分析、多重比较、变异系数分析、表型分化分析、相关性分析和聚类分析。结果表明:红椿10个小叶表型性状在种群间存在显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)差异。红椿种群内小叶表型性状变异系数的均值为12.13%,变化范围为9.32%~17.59%。红椿种群间小叶表型性状表型分化系数的均值为80.73%,说明红椿小叶表型性状变异主要来源于种群间。相关性分析结果显示:红椿小叶长、小叶柄长、小叶宽、宽基距、脉左宽和小叶柄长小叶长比间的相关性总体上较高,小叶表型性状与经度、无霜期和年日照时数的相关性较高。聚类分析结果显示:在遗传距离3.892处,通山九宫山(P13)种群与黄石黄荆山(P14)种群聚为一类,其他14个种群聚为另一类;在遗传距离2.018处,后一类中来凤三寨坪(P4)种群和崇阳庙圃(P12)种群聚为一个亚类,其他12个种群聚为另一个亚类。说明红椿小叶表型性状变异为局部区域化变异和连续变异以及鄂西南与鄂东南种群间的随机变异。Mantel检验结果表明:湖北红椿种群小叶表型性状变异无明显地理隔离模式。研究结果显示:对红椿进行种质资源保护、遗传改良和建立种质资源收集圃时,应尽量增加不同种群以及变异较丰富的种群内个体的取样量。 |
Abstract | In order to reveal the variation law of leaflet phenotypic traits of Toona ciliata Roem. among populations and within population in Hubei Province, 10 leaflet phenotypic traits of 16 natural populations of T. ciliata in Hubei Province were compared. On the basis, nested variance analysis, multiple comparison, coefficient of variation analysis, phenotypic differentiation analysis, correlation analysis, and cluster analysis were conducted on each leaflet phenotypic trait. The results show that there are significant (P<0.05) or extremely significant (P<0.01) differences in 10 leaflet phenotypic traits of T. ciliata among populations. Mean of coefficients of variation of leaflet phenotypic traits within population is 12.13%, with a range of 9.32%-17.59%. Mean of phenotypic differentiation coefficients of leaflet phenotypic traits among populations is 80.73%, indicating that the variation of leaflet phenotypic traits of T. ciliata is mainly among populations. The correlation analysis result shows that the correlations of leaflet length, leaflet petiole length, leaflet width, length between the maximum width and leaflet base, width between left blade edge and midrib, and ratio of leaflet petiole length to leaflet length are relatively high in general, and correlations of leaflet phenotypic traits with longitude, frostless period, and annual sunshine hours are relatively high. The cluster analysis result shows that at genetic distance of 3.892, populations of Jiugongshan of Tongshan (P13) and Huangjingshan of Huangshi (P14) are clustered into one group, and other 14 populations are clustered into another group; at genetic distance of 2.018, populations of Sanzhaiping of Laifeng (P4) and Miaopu of Chongyang (P12) in the latter group are clustered into one sub-group, and other 12 populations are clustered into another sub-group. This indicates that the variation of leaflet phenotypic traits of T. ciliata covers regional variation and continuous variation, and random variation between populations in Southwest Hubei and Southeast Hubei. The Mantel test result shows that the variation of leaflet phenotypic traits of T. ciliata populations in Hubei Province doesn,t have an obvious geographical isolation pattern. It is suggested that in germplasm protection, genetic improvement, and establishment of germplasm nursery of T. ciliata, sampling numbers of different populations and individuals in populations with abundant variation should be increased as high as possibe. |
关键词 | 红椿; 湖北; 天然种群; 小叶表型性状; 表型变异 |
Key words | Toona ciliata Roem.; Hubei Province; natural population; leaflet phenotypic traits; phenotypic variation |
作者 | 汪洋1, 陈文学2, 明安觉3, 雍军1, 宋丛文1, 付秋生1 |
所在单位 | 1. 湖北生态工程职业技术学院, 湖北 武汉 430200; 2. 竹山县林业局, 湖北 竹山 442200;3. 竹山县国土资源局, 湖北 竹山 442200 |
点击量 | 2248 |
下载次数 | 1112 |
基金项目 | 湖北省科学技术厅公益性研究项目(40 2012DBA40001); 湖北省教育厅科研项目(B20160555) |