摘要 | 从毛茛科植物宣威草乌(Aconitum nagarum Stapf var. lasiandrumW.T.Wang)干燥块根的乙醇提取物中分离得到8个化合物,经理化常数测定和波谱学方法确定它们的化学结构,分别鉴定为β谷甾醇(Ⅰ)和7个去甲二萜生物碱:黄草乌碱甲(Ⅱ)、黄草乌碱乙(Ⅲ)、黄草乌碱丁(Ⅳ)、它拉胺(Ⅴ)、异它拉胺(Ⅵ)、展毛乌头宁(Ⅶ)和滇乌碱(Ⅷ)。以上化合物均为首次从该植物中得到,它们是乌头属化学分类学的特征性化合物。 |
Abstract | From the ethanol ex tracts of the root of Aconitum nagarum Stapf var .lasiandrum W .T .Wang (Ranunculaceae), 8 compounds were isolated .By spectroscopic evidence their chemical structures were identified as :β-sistosterol (Ⅰ), vilmorrianine A (Ⅱ), vilmorrianine B o r named karakoline (Ⅲ), vilmorrianine D or named sachaconitine (Ⅳ), talatizidine (Ⅴ), isotalatizidine (Ⅵ ),chasmanine (Ⅶ )and yunaconitine (Ⅷ).These compounds were found in this species for the first time .They can be used as characteristic constituents for chemotaxonomy of the genus Aconitum . |
关键词 | 毛莨科; 宣威草乌; 去甲二萜生物碱; |
Key words | Ranunculaceae; Aconitum nagarum Stapf var . lasiandrum W . T . Wang; norditerpenoid alkaloids |
作者 | 董锦艳 ,李 良 |
所在单位 | 云南大学省微生物发酵工程重点实验室, 昆明 650091 云南大学化学系, 昆明 650091 |
点击量 | 1417 |
下载次数 | 1022 |