2025年3月14日 星期五
Fluctuating features of fluorine accumulation of tea from south Jiangsu Province
1997年 第6卷 第4期 页码[40-44]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

在苏南茶区 8 个县( ) 21 个茶场进行商品茶的现场调查样品采集与含氟量分析果表明, 茶叶氟富集量的波动变化与氟源茶园的自然生态环境茶叶的品位与档次采摘标准等因素有关苏南茶叶氟富集量的波动范围为 46410 mg/ kg, 平均含氟量 137.8 mg/ kg


The survey , sam pling and analysis of fluorine content of commodity tea were carried out from 21 plantations in 8 counties of south Jiang su Province.The results showed that the change of content of fluorine accumulation in tea was correlated with fluo rine pollution source, ecological environment of tea plantation area, tea g rade and sampling standard .The range of accumulated fluorine content in tea is 46 410 mg/kg w ith the mean 137 .8 mg/kg .

关键词商品茶; 氟富集; 茶场;
Key wordscommodity tea; fluo rine accumulation; tea plantation
作者高绪评, 王 萍 ,王之让 ,潘孝永
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014
南京市农林局, 南京 210008
基金项目江苏省科学技术委员会资助项目( S91058)