摘要 | 采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取野菊[Dendranthema indicum (L.) Des Moul.]干燥头状花序的挥发油,以常用抗氧化剂二丁基羟基甲苯(BHT)为对照,并以油脂的过氧化值(POV)为指标,对野菊花挥发油在猪油、花生油、葵花籽油、玉米油和大豆油中的抗氧化能力进行了比较分析。结果表明,在供试的5 种食用油中,各处理组(50. 0 g 食用油中野菊花挥发油添加量分别为0. 005、0. 025、0. 050、0. 075 和0. 100 g)的POV 值均随贮藏时间(猪油和大豆油为28 d,花生油、葵花籽油和玉米油为35 d)的延长逐渐增大;随挥发油添加量的增加,5 种食用油的POV 值总体上呈逐渐减小的趋势。在28 d 的贮藏期内,仅添加了0. 075 ~0. 100 g 挥发油的玉米油和大豆油的POV 值极显著低于对照(0. 010 g BHT)和空白;在贮藏的前中期,仅添加了0. 075 ~ 0. 100 g 挥发油的花生油和葵花籽油的POV 值极显著低于对照和空白,但在贮藏的中后期花生油和葵花籽油各处理组的POV 值则极显著高于对照;添加了挥发油的猪油在28 d 的贮藏期内其POV 值基本上极显著高于对照但低于空白。说明在玉米油和大豆油中添加适量的野菊花挥发油具有较强抗氧化能力,且抗氧化效果总体上高于BHT;而添加适量的野菊花挥发油也能在一定程度上延缓花生油和葵花籽油的氧化过程,但抗氧化效果低于BHT;而添加适量的野菊花挥发油仅能部分缓解猪油的氧化过程,其抗氧化效果明显低于BHT。研究结果显示,在不同的食用油中野菊花挥发油均有一定的抗氧化作用,但其抗氧化能力有一定的差异,这种差异与食用油种类、野菊花挥发油的添加量及食用油的贮藏时间均有一定的关系。 |
Abstract | The essential oil was extracted from dry flower of Dendranthema indicum (L.) Des Moul. by steam distillation method. Using dibutyl hydroxy toluene (BHT) as the control, the antioxidation ability of essential oil in lard, peanut oil, sunflower oil, corn oil and soybean oil was studied by mean of peroxide value (POV) as index. The results show that in five edible oils, the POV of different treatment groups added 0. 005, 0. 025, 0. 050, 0. 075 and 0. 100 g essential oil in 50. 0 g edible oils increases gradually with prolonging of storage time (28 d of lard and soybean oil, 35 d of peanut oil, sunflower oil and corn oil). And generally, the POV of five edible oils appears the trend of gradually decreasing with increasing of addition amount of essential oil. In 28 d storage time, only the POV of corn oil and soybean oil with an adding of 0. 075-0. 100 g essential il is very obviously lower than that of the control (0. 010 g BHT) and the blank. During the early and mid storage stage, only the POV of peanut oil and sunflower oil with an adding of 0. 075-0. 100 g essential oil is very obviously lower than that of the control and the blank, but during the mid and late storage stage very obviously higher than that of the control. The POV of lard added essential oil generally is very obviously higher than that of the control but very obviously lower than that of the blank in 28 d storage time. It is revealed that the corn oil and soybean oil with an adding of suitable amount of essential oil have a stronger antioxidation ability which is generally higher than that of BHT. Also in a certain extent, the peanut oil and sunflower oil with an adding of suitable amount of essential oil may delay the oxidation, but their antioxidation effect is lower than that of BHT. While the lard with an adding of suitable amount of essential oil only partly relieves the oxidation, and its antioxidation effect is obviously lower than that of BHT. It is concluded that the essential oil from D. indicum dry flower has an antioxidation ability in different edible oils, but its antioxidation ability has some differences which relate to the type and storage time of edible oils and the addition amount of essential oil. |
关键词 | 野菊花; 挥发油; 抗氧化能力; 食用油 |
Key words | dry flower of Dendranthema indicum (L.) Des Moul.; essential oil; antioxidation ability; edible oil |
作者 | 房海灵, 郭巧生, 申海进 |
所在单位 | 南京农业大学中药材研究所, 江苏南京210095 |
点击量 | 1358 |
下载次数 | 1202 |
基金项目 | 国家科技基础条件平台项目(2005DKA21000) |