摘要 | 生态旅游在世界范围内正经历着一个蓬勃发展的时期,它是一个区域或一个保护区生态发展的重要内容,不仅对地区经济和社会发展有重要的促进作用,而且也是激励保护区进一步发展的动力。当然,过分强调经济收入,无控制地发展旅游,就可能引起不适当的开发或管理不周。导致生态破坏。因此,保护区发展生态旅游要有一个周密的规划,寻找旅游者的享受和自然保护之间的平衡。 |
Abstract | Recently, ecotourism is undergoing a vigorous expansion in the world. It may be considered as nature tourism and is a mode of ecodevelopment of a region or a reserve which contributes to conservation, through generating funds for protected areas, creating employment opportunities for local communities, and offering environmental education. However . in promoting these goals too much emphasis on the potential economic returns from ecotourism in protected areas may cause damage through encouraging inappropriate development and unrestricted convential tourism. Careful planning for ecotourism in protected area is therefore essential. |
关键词 | 旅游; 生态旅游; 保护区; 生态发展; |
Key words | tourism; ecotourism; protected area; ecodevelopment |
作者 | 王献溥 |
所在单位 | 中国科学院植物研究所 北京 100044 |
点击量 | 1261 |
下载次数 | 911 |