2024年10月23日 星期三
Leaf venation characteristics and its taxonomic significance of Prunus Linn. (s.l.)
2019年 第28卷 第4期 页码[11-23]    下载全文[27.4MB]  

对广义李属〔Prunus Linn. (s.l.)〕70种(含67种和3变种)植物的叶脉序特征进行了描述和比较。结果显示:广义李属植物的二级脉分为达缘脉、半达缘脉、花环状半达缘脉和简单弓形脉,二级脉间三级脉分为对生贯穿、混合贯穿和网状,四级脉分为规则网状和不规则网状,五级脉分为规则网状、不规则网状和自由分支,脉间区发育分为差、中和良,游离端小脉分为不分支、简单分支、二歧分支和不均等分支。广义李属中亚属(类群)间叶脉序存在一定差异,主要体现在二级脉和游离端小脉的形态上。从二级脉看,李亚属(Subg. Prunus Linn.)和稠李亚属〔Subg. Padus (Moench) Koehne〕多为花环状半达缘脉,桃亚属(Subg. Amygdalus Linn.)和樱亚属(Subg. Cerasus A. Gray)多为半达缘脉,桂樱亚属(Subg. Laurocerasus Koehne)为半达缘脉、花环状半达缘脉和简单弓形脉,臀果木类群(Pygeum group)为简单弓形脉,臭樱类群(Maddenia group)为达缘脉和半达缘脉。从游离端小脉看,李亚属多为不分支,桃亚属、稠李亚属、桂樱亚属和臀果木类群多为二歧分支或不均等分支,樱亚属和臭樱类群多为不分支或简单分支。依据叶脉序特征,矮樱组(Sect. Microcerasus C. K. Schneid.)应移出樱亚属,李属(Prunus Linn.)和杏属(Armeniaca Scop.)合并为李亚属;支持贡山臭樱(Prunus gongshanensis J. Wen)作为喜马拉雅臭樱(Prunus himalayana J. Wen)的变种处理,磐安樱(Prunus pananensis Z. L. Chen, W. J. Chen et X. F. Jin)并入尾叶樱桃(Prunus dielsiana C. K. Schneid.)。


Leaf venation characteristics of 70 plants (including 67 species and 3 varieties) of Prunus Linn. (s.l.) were described and compared. The results show that secondary veins of Prunus (s.l.) are craspedocromous, semicraspedodromous, festooned semicraspedodromous, and simple brochidodromous, intercostal tertiary veins are opposite percurrent, mixed percurrent, and reticulate, quaternary veins are regular reticulate and irregular reticulate, quinternary veins are regular reticulate, irregular reticulate, and freely ramifying, areolation development is poor, moderate, and good, and freely ending veinlets are unbranched, simple branched, dichotomous branching, and dendritic branching. There are some differences in leaf venation among subgenera (groups) of Prunus (s.l.), which are mainly reflected in the morphology of secondary veins and freely ending veinlets. Secondary veins of Subg. Prunus Linn. and Subg. Padus (Moench) Koehne are mainly festooned semicraspedodromous, those of Subg. Amygdalus Linn. and Subg. Cerasus A. Gray are mainly semicraspedodromous, those of Subg. Laurocerasus Koehne are semicraspedodromous, festooned semicraspedodromous, and simple brochidodromous, those of Pygeum group are simple brochidodromous, and those of Maddenia group are craspedodromous and semicraspedodromous. Freely ending veinlets of Subg. Prunus are mainly unbranched, those of Subg. Amygdalus, Subg. Padus, Subg. Laurocerasus, and Pygeum group are mainly dichotomous branching or dendritic branching, and those of Subg. Cerasus and Maddenia group are mainly unbranched and simple branched. According to leaf venation characteristics, Sect. Microcerasus C.K. Schneid. is supported to be excluded from Subg. Cerasus, Prunus Linn. and Armeniaca Scop. are combined as Subg. Prunus. Prunus gongshanensis J. Wen is supported to be treated as a variety of Prunus himalayana J. Wen, and Prunus pananensis Z. L. Chen, W. J. Chen et X. F. Jin is supported to be conspecific to Prunus dielsiana C. K. Schneid.

关键词广义李属; 叶脉序; 形态特征; 分类学
Key wordsPrunus Linn. (s.l.); leaf venation; morphological characteristics; taxonomy
作者黄文鑫1, 吴保欢2a, 石文婷2a, 羊海军2b, 崔大方2a
所在单位1. 深圳市罗湖区市政园林管理所, 广东 深圳 518001;
2. 华南农业大学: a. 林学与风景园林学院, b. 公共基础课实验教学中心, 广东 广州 510642