2025年1月22日 星期三
Genetic variation of floral character and pollen viability of Liriodendron hybrid and its parents
2001年 第10卷 第2期 页码[31-34]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

对鹅掌楸属( Liriodendron L.) 种间杂种L.chinense ( Hemsl.) SargL.tulipifera L.〕及其亲本北美鹅掌楸( L. tulipifera L.) 和鹅掌楸L.chinense ( Hemsl .) Sarg.〕的花朵大小与颜色雄蕊花药雌蕊柱头和花粉活力的变异进行了观测, 杂种鹅掌楸花朵较大, 花瓣橙黄色, 色彩艳丽, 观赏价值较高在固体培养条件下杂种鹅掌楸及其亲本北美鹅掌楸和鹅掌楸的花粉开始萌动大约需 40 min, 而观测花粉发芽率以培养 160 min 为宜杂种鹅掌楸的花粉发芽率低于鹅掌楸和北美鹅掌楸, 种间差异达显著水平杂种鹅掌楸花粉活力在株间差异达显著水平, 两亲本花粉活力的株间差异不显著树冠上层花的花粉活力较高, 与下层花的差异达显著水平


The variation size and colour of flower, anther, stigma and pollen viability of Liriodendron hybrid
L .chinense ( Hemsl .) Sarg L .tulipifera L .〕 and its parents were observed .
The hybrid has the character of larger flowers and orange-yellow petals with higher horticultural value .Under the condition in vitro, 40 min is needed for beginning of pollen germination, 160 min after culture is the best time to measure their rate.The pollen germination rate of hybrid is lower than that of its parents, the variance of pollen germination of interspecies is significant .The variance of pollen viability shows obvious significance among individuals of hybrid but no significant variance among those of its parents .Higher pollen viability occurs at the upper layer of the crown which has significant variance with that occurs at the lower layer .

关键词鹅掌楸属; 杂种; 花形态; 花粉活力
Key wordsLiriodendron L .; hybrid; floral character; pollen viability
作者徐 进, 王章荣
所在单位南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 江苏 南京 210037
基金项目江苏省农林厅农业局科技开发项目( BL2000046)