摘要 | 将金边阔叶麦冬 (Liriope platyphylla Wang etTang var. variegata Hort.)不同部位外植体块 ,接种于附加不同激素配比的MS培养基上 ,实验结果表明 ,取自根状茎芽点 ,培养基为MS +BA 1.5mg/L +NAA 0 .5mg/L的不定芽诱导率最高 ( 10 0 % ) ,长势较旺 ,不定芽和愈伤组织均较多 ,但极易造成性状分离。用MS +BA 3.0mg/L +NAA 0 .5mg/L液体培养可以直接“芽生芽” ,避免了脱分化过程 ,从而稳定保持嵌合性。不定芽每月可转接 1次 ,适宜的生根培养基为 1/2MS大量 +IBA 0 .2 5mg/L。试管苗在蛭石中炼苗后即可移栽。 |
Abstract | The segments from various part of Liriope platyphylla Wang et Tang var. variegata Hort. were cultured on MS medium supplemented with variable ratio of hormones. The results showed that the highest induction frequency ( 100% ) of adventitious buds was obtained by culturing the buds of rootstocks on MS medium supplemented with BA 1. 5 mg/L+NAA 0. 5mg/L, but the mosaic of the plant can't be kept by this way. In order to solve this problem, the liquid culture with MS medium supplemented with BA 3. 0 mg/L+ NAA 0. 5 mg/L can avoid dedifferentiation and keep the mosaic of the proliferated buds. The adventitious buds could be transplanted once a month, while MS medium supplemented with IBA 0. 25 mg/L is suitable for rooting. After a period of training, the rooted plants could be planted on soil. |
关键词 | 金边阔叶麦冬; 组织培养; 根状茎芽点; 嵌合性; |
Key words | Liriope platyphylla Wang et Tang var. variegata Hort.; tissue culture; buds on rootstock; mosaic |
作者 | 唐宇力 ,钱 萍 |
所在单位 | 杭州市植物园, 杭州 310013 杭州市园文局灵隐管理处, 杭州 310007 |
点击量 | 1340 |
下载次数 | 909 |
基金项目 | 杭州市园林文物管理局科技基金资助项目 |