2025年3月12日 星期三
Effects of combined application of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizers on flowering traits and contents of chlorophyll and nutrient elements in leaves of Osmanthus fragrans ‘Jinyu Taige’
2017年 第26卷 第2期 页码[35-45]    下载全文[1MB]  

以桂花品种‘金玉台阁’(Osmanthus fragrans ‘Jinyu Taige’)盆栽苗为供试材料,采用“3414”肥料效应试验设计方案,研究了不同单株施用量CO(NH22(0.0、1.0、2.0和3.0 g)、NH4H2PO4(0.0、1.5、3.0和4.5 g)和KCl(0.0、0.5、1.0、1.5 g)对秋冬生长期(2014年10月至2015年2月)‘金玉台阁’开花性状及叶片中叶绿素和营养元素的影响进行了比较和分析,并筛选出适宜的氮、磷、钾肥施用量。结果表明:与CK〔CO(NH22、NH4H2PO4和KCl的单株施用量均为0.0 g〕组相比,各氮、磷、钾肥配施处理组‘金玉台阁’的单株产花量、花瓣相对含水量、花径以及叶片中叶绿素、全氮、全磷和全钾的含量总体上显著升高。CO(NH22单株施用量对‘金玉台阁’单株产花量、叶片中叶绿素含量和全氮含量的影响最大,NH4H2PO4单株施用量对这3个指标的影响次之;NH4H2PO4单株施用量对‘金玉台阁’叶片中全磷含量的影响最大;KCl单株施用量对‘金玉台阁’花瓣相对含水量、花径及叶片中全钾含量的影响最大。在秋冬生长期内叶片中叶绿素含量呈先降低后升高的趋势,均在12月份降至最低值。通过建立‘金玉台阁’单株产花量(y)与CO(NH22、NH4H2PO4和KCl的单株施用量(分别为xN、xP和xK)间的肥料效应模型,得到的三元二次肥料效应模型为y=1.202 7+0.756 1×xN+0.263 2×xP+0.459 0×xK-0.276 1×xN2-0.120 1×xP2-0.500 7×xK2+0.190 1×xN×xP-0.096 0×xN×xK+0.118 5×xP×xK。以单株产花量为目标,‘金玉台阁’的CO(NH22、NH4H2PO4和KCl的最佳单株施用量分别为2.58、3.56和0.86 g。


Taking pot seedlings of Osmanthus fragrans ‘Jinyu Taige’ as experimental materials, the effects of different applying amounts per plant of fertilizers including CO(NH22  (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g), NH4H2PO4 (0.0, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 g) and KCl (0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 g) on flowering traits and contents of chlorophyll and nutrient elements in leaves of ‘Jinyu Taige’ during the autumn and winter growth period (October 2014 to February 2015) were compared and analyzed by 3414 fertilizer effect test design scheme, and the appropriate applying amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were screened out. The results show that compared with CK 〔applying amounts per plant of 0.0 g of CO(NH22, NH4H2PO4 and KCl〕 group, flower yield per plant, relative water content in petals, flower diameter and contents of chlorophyll, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium in leaves of ‘Jinyu Taige’ in all treatment groups of combined application of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizers generally increase significantly. The effect of applying amount per plant of CO(NH22 on flower yield per plant and contents of chlorophyll and total nitrogen in leaves of ‘Jinyu Taige’ is the largest, and that of NH4H2PO4 on these three indexes follows. The effect of applying amount per plant of NH4H2PO4 on total phosphorus content in leaves of ‘Jinyu Taige’ is the largest. The effect of applying amount per plant of KCl on relative water content in petals, flower diameter and total potassium content in leaves of ‘Jinyu Taige’ is the largest. The chlorophyll content in leaves first decreases and then increases during the autumn and winter growth period, and decreases to the lowest value in December. By establishing the fertilizer effect model between flower yield per plant (y) of ‘Jinyu Taige’ and applying amounts per plant of CO(NH22, NH4H2PO4 and KCl (xN, xP and xK, respectively), the ternary quadratic fertilizer effect model is y=1.202 7+0.756 1×xN+0.263 2×xP+0.459 0×xK-0.276 1×xN2-0.120 1×xP2-0.500 7×xK2+0.190 1×xN×xP-0.096 0×xN×xK+0.118 5×xP×xK. To obtain higher flower yield per plant, the optimal applying amounts per plant of CO(NH22, NH4H2PO4 and KCl for ‘Jinyu Taige’ are 2.58, 3.56 and 0.86 g, respectively.

关键词桂花品种‘金玉台阁’; 氮、磷、钾肥配施; “3414”肥料效应试验设计方案; 单株产花量; 营养元素; 肥料效应模型
Key wordsOsmanthus fragrans ‘Jinyu Taige’; combined application of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizers; 3414 fertilizer effect test design scheme; flower yield per plant; nutrient element; fertilizer effect model
作者齐豫川1, 潘远智1, 杨亚男1, 鲜小林2a,2b, 陈睿2a,2b, 刘柿良1
所在单位1. 四川农业大学风景园林学院, 四川 成都 611130; 2. 四川省农业科学院: a. 园艺研究所, b. 农业部西南地区园艺作物学与种质重点实验室, 四川 成都 610066