2025年3月12日 星期三
The bactericidal and aromatic volatile gas of the main greenery tree species in Shangha
2000年 第9卷 第2期 页码[62-64]    下载全文[0.5MB]  

By using PEG 1500 glass chromatog raphy column, 9 kinds of bactericidal substances (m-hydroxybenzoic acid,
methyl salicylate , catechol, ace tic acid, ace taldehyde, acrylic acid, diethy l sulphide , bo rneol -2 and camphanone-2)
and 9 kinds of aromatic substances(ethyl acetoace tate , allyl alco hol , citral , acety lmethy lcarbinol , iso-pentanol, borneol -2 , ethyl acetate , benzaldehyde and terpineol) were ex tracted out throug h the separation experiments on the volatile gas released from 12 main g reenery tree species in Shanghai.Furthermo re , the hygienical substances ing redient proportion betw een the different trees was measured.T his experiment provides scientific basis for co nstructing healthy ecological g reenland .

关键词树木; 抑菌物质; 芳香物质; 气体挥发物; 上海
Key wordstrees; bactericidal substance; aromatic substance; volatile gas; Shang hai
作者张庆费, 庞名瑜 ,姜义华, 胡 岗
所在单位上海市园林科学研究所, 上海 200232
上海师范大学, 上海 200234