2025年3月14日 星期五
Comparison on contents of parthenolide in leaves of eight Magnoliaceae species and twenty-three Asteraceae species
2022年 第31卷 第2期 页码[85-87]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

 采用液质联用(LC-MS)技术对木兰科(Magnoliaceae)8种植物和菊科(Asteraceae)23种植物叶片中小白菊内酯含量进行了测定。结果显示:木兰科8种植物叶片中小白菊内酯含量为20.90~3 498.31 μg·g-1,其中,荷花木兰(Magnolia grandiflora Linn.)叶片中小白菊内酯含量最高,厚朴〔Houpoea officinalis (Rehd. et E. H. Wils.) N. H. Xia et C. Y. Wu〕次之(715.00 μg·g-1)。在供试的23种菊科植物中,仅14种的叶片中可检测出小白菊内酯,含量为1.23~236.03 μg·g-1;其中,泥胡菜〔Hemisteptia lyrata (Bunge) Fisch. et C. A. Mey.〕和奇蒿(Artemisia anomala S. Moore)叶片中小白菊内酯含量显著高于其他种类。考虑到小白菊内酯含量及资源量,将厚朴作为小白菊内酯的原料植物较为适宜。


 Contents of parthenolide in leaves of eight Magnoliaceae species and twenty-three Asteraceae species were assayed by using LC-MS technology. The results show that the contents of parthenolide in leaves of eight Magnoliaceae species are 20.90-3 498.31 μg·g-1, in which, the content of parthenolide in leaves of Magnolia grandiflora Linn. is the highest, followed by Houpoea officinalis (Rehd. et E. H. Wils.) N. H. Xia et C. Y. Wu (715.00 μg·g-1). Among twenty-three test Asteraceae species, parthenolide can only be detected in leaves of fourteen Asteraceae species, with content of 1.23-236.03 μg·g-1; in which, the contents of parthenolide in Hemisteptia lyrata (Bunge) Fisch. et C. A. Mey. and Artemisia anomala S. Moore are significantly higher  than those in the other species. Considering content of parthenolide and resource supply, H. officinalis can be used as a suitable material plant for exaction of parthenolide.

关键词木兰科; 菊科; 小白菊内酯; LC-MS技术
Key wordsgnoliaceae; Asteraceae; parthenolide; LC-MS technology
作者周倩a,b, 乔思薇a,b, 印敏a,b, 田梅a,b, 王奇志a,b, 佟海英a, 徐曙a,b, 冯煦a,b
所在单位江苏省中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园): a. 江苏省植物资源研究与利用重点实验室, b. 江苏省中药材生态种植与高值化利用工程研究中心, 江苏 南京 210014