摘要 | 基于与叶和果实相关的 30 个形态性状(包括 20 个定性性状和 10 个定量性状)对中国杏属(Armeniaca Scop.)11 种 3 变种进行了 UPGMA 聚类分析和主成分分析;在主成分分析基础上,构建了中国杏属植物的 OTU 散点图;并且,结合降水量分布图绘制了中国杏属植物分布图。 聚类分析结果显示:供试杏属植物被分成 2 支。 若包含毛叶梅(A. mume var. goethartiana Koehne),则毛叶梅、梅(A. mume Sieb.)、洪平杏(A. hongpingensis C. L. Li)以及政和杏(A. zhengheensis J. Y. Zhang et M. N. Lu)聚为一支,其余 8 种 2 变种聚为另一支;若不包含毛叶梅,梅则被划分在后一个分支中。 主成分分析结果显示:前3 个主成分的累计贡献率仅60. 318 0% ,说明中国杏属植物的形态性状具有较大的遗传变异;在前 3 个主成分中,树高、叶片下表面被毛情况、叶长/ 叶柄长比值、叶长/ 叶宽比值、果核形状、叶宽、果核宽、叶柄长、果柄长和叶缘锯齿形状的绝对权重值均在 0. 7 以上,表明这 10 个性状在中国杏属植物的分类学研究中具有重要作用。 OTU 散点图显示:中国杏属植物在二维散点图上的分类结果与其聚类结果基本一致,并且,其聚类结果中的各分支在三维散点图上也能够明显区分,说明可以采用前 3 个主成分中绝对权重值较高的性状对中国杏属植物进行分类。 分布图显示:杏属植物遍布中国各省(区),且主要集中分布在 400 和 800 mm 等降水量线之间的区域。 结合上述研究结果及他人的研究成果,支持“将藏杏[ A. holosericea ( Batal.) Kost.]作为杏(A. vulgaris Lam.)的 1 个变种”以及“将政和杏作为梅的 1 个变种”的分类处理,并支持“将洪平杏作为独立种”的分类处理。 此外,建议将仙居杏(A. xianjuxing J. Y. Zhang et X. Z. Wu)和华仁杏(A. cathayana D. L. Fu et al)作为杏属的栽培种。 |
Abstract | According to thirty morphological characters (including twenty qualitative and ten quantitative characters) related to leaf and fruit, UPGMA cluster analysis and principal component analysis on eleven species and three varieties of Armeniaca Scop. in China were carried out. On the basis of principal component analysis, OTU scatter diagrams of Armeniaca species in China were constructed. In addition, distribution map of Armeniaca species in China was drawn by combining precipitation distribution map.Cluster analysis results show that Armeniaca species tested are divided into two branches. In case of including A. mume var. goethartiana Koehne, A. mume var. goethartiana, A. mume Sieb., A.hongpingensis C. L. Li and A. zhengheensis J. Y. Zhang et M. N. Lu are clustered in one branch, other eight species and two varieties are clustered in another branch. If don’t include A. mume var. goethartiana, A. mume is divided into the latter branch. Principal component analysis result shows that cumulative contribution rate of the first three principal components is only 60. 318 0% , indicating that there are great genetic variations in morphological characters of Armeniaca species in China. Among the first three principal components, absolute weight values of height, hair covering status of leaf lower surface, leaf length / petiole length ratio, leaf length / leaf width ratio, endocarp shape, leaf width, endocarp width, petiole length, fruit stalk length and leaf margin serrate shape all are above 0. 7, meaning that these ten characters play an important role in taxonomic study on Armeniaca species in China. OTU scatter diagrams show that classification result of Armeniaca species in China in two-dimensional scatter diagram is basically identical with their cluster result, besides, all branches in their cluster result also can be distincted obviously in three-dimensional scatter diagram, indicating that some characters with high absolute weight value in the first three principal components can be used to classify Armeniaca species in China. Distribution map shows that Armeniaca species distribute in all provinces of China, and mainly concentratively distribute in regions between 400 and 800 mm isohyets of precipitation. Combining with above and other research results, it is in support of taxonomic treatments of “ taking A. holosericea (Batal.) Kost. as a variety of A. vulgaris Lam.” and “taking A. zhengheensis as a variety of A. mume”, and in support of taxonomic treatment of “ taking A. hongpingesis as an independent species”. Otherwise, it is proposed to take A. xianjuxing J. Y. Zhang et X. Z. Wu and A.cathayana D. L. Fu et al as cultivated species in Armeniaca. |
关键词 | 杏属; 形态性状; UPGMA 聚类分析; 主成分分析; OTU 散点图; 分类学修订 |
Key words | Armeniaca Scop.; morphological characters; UPGMA cluster analysis; principal component analysis; OTU scatter diagram; taxonomic revision |
作者 | 王家琼1a,2, 吴保欢1a,崔大方1a,于, 羊海军1b, 黄摇 峥3, 齐安民4 |
所在单位 | 1. 华南农业大学: a. 林学与风景园林学院, b. 公共基础课实验教学中心, 广东 广州 510642; 2. 重庆市云阳县森林资源监测中心, 重庆 404500; 3. 国家林业局中南林业调查规划设计院, 湖南 长沙 410014; 4. 重庆市云阳县果品产业发展局, 重庆 404500 |
点击量 | 1663 |
下载次数 | 1074 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31370246) |