2025年3月14日 星期五
Variation analysis on main traits of growth and fruiting of hybrid progeny individuals of blackberry ( Rubus spp.)
2013年 第22卷 第1期 页码[82-87]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

对黑莓(Rubus spp.)6 个品种9 个杂交组合(‘Chester’בKiowa’、‘Kiowa’בNavaho’、‘Triple Crown’× ‘Kiowa’、‘Kiowa’× ‘Hull’、‘Triple Crown’× ‘Chester’、‘Arapaho’× ‘Hull’、‘Navaho’× ‘Kiowa’、‘Hull’בKiowa’和‘Kiowa’בKiowa’)的131 株后代实生苗的主要生长性状(包括刺密度、叶绿素相对含量、分枝数量、主枝和侧枝的直径以及自然株高)和结实性状(包括结果株数、单株果穗数量、每穗果实数量和单株果实数量)进行了观测,并对这些性状的变异状况进行了比较分析。结果表明:在获得的131 株杂交后代单株中,有92 株具刺植株和121 株结果植株,具刺和结果植株的数量分别占后代总株数的70. 23%和92. 37%。131 株杂交后代刺密度、分枝数量、主枝直径、侧枝直径和自然株高的平均值分别为1. 51 cm-1 、15. 43、1. 31 cm、0. 74 cm 和61. 07 cm,变异系数分别为78.81%、52. 69%、25. 19%、20. 27%和38. 91%;121 株杂交后代结果单株的果穗数量、每穗果实数量和单株果实数量的平均值分别为27. 05、4. 92 和145. 98,变异系数分别为67. 63%、50. 83%和91. 20%;在不同杂交组合间后代单株的这些指标变异均较大,且与亲本相比,杂交后代的枝蔓生长量和结果数量退化明显且分离严重。杂交后代叶片叶绿素相对含量(Spad)的平均值为45. 36,变异系数仅为1. 46%,变异幅度较小且与亲本的差异不明显,说明黑莓叶片叶绿素含量性状的遗传力较高且分离小。在无刺品种‘Triple Crown’与具刺品种‘Kiowa’杂交组合的40 株杂交后代单株中具刺单株比例达到90%,且其他具刺亲本杂交组合的后代也多数具刺,表明黑莓的刺性状为显性遗传且具有数量遗传特征。



The main growth traits ( including thorn density, relative content of chlorophyll, branch number, diameter of main and lateral branches, plant natural height) and fruiting traits ( including numbers of fruiting plant, fruit cluster per plant, fruit per cluster and fruit per plant) of 131 hybrid progeny seedlings obtained from 9 cross combinations (‘Chester’בKiowa’, ‘Kiowa’× ‘Navaho’, ‘Triple Crown’ בKiowa’,  ‘Kiowa’ × ‘Hull’ , ‘Triple Crown’ × ‘Chester’, ‘Arapaho’ בHull’, ‘Navaho’× ‘Kiowa’, ‘Hull’× ‘Kiowa’ and  ‘Kiowa’× ‘Kiowa’) of 6 cultivars of blackberry (Rubus spp.) were investigated, and variation status of these traits was comparatively analyzed. The results show that there are 92 individuals with thorn and 121 individuals with fruit in 131 hybrid progeny individuals, accounting for 70. 23% and 92. 37% of total number of hybrid progenies, respectively. The average values of thorn density, branch number, diameters of main and lateral branches and plant natural height of 131 hybrid progeny individuals are 1. 51 cm-1, 15. 43, 1. 31 cm, 0. 74 cm and 61. 07 cm with the variation coefficients of 78. 81%, 52. 69%, 25. 19%, 20. 27% and 38. 91%, respectively, and the average values of numbers of fruit cluster per plant, fruit per cluster and fruit per plant of 121 hybrid progeny fruiting individuals are 27. 05, 4. 92 and 145. 98 with the variation coefficients of 67. 63%, 50. 83% and 91. 20%, respectively. There are bigger differences in these indexes of hybrid progeny individuals among different cross combinations, and compared to their parents, branch growth increment and fruiting number of hybrid progenies degenerate obviously and separate seriously. The average value of relative content of chlorophyll (Spad) in leaf of hybrid progenies is 45. 36 with the variation coefficient of 1. 46%, the variation range is smaller and has no obvious difference with their hybrid parents, indicating that chlorophyll content trait of blackberry leaf has a higher heritability and a little genetic segregation. In 40 hybrid progeny individuals of cross combination of thornless cultivar ‘Triple Crown’with thorny cultivar ‘Kiowa’, the percentage of thorny individuals reaches 90%, and hybrid progeny individuals of other cross combinations with thorny parents are mostly thorny, indicating that the thorn trait of blackberry belongs to dominant inheritance and has a quantitative inheritance characteristics.

关键词黑莓; 杂交后代; 生长性状; 结实性状; 变异幅度; 具刺性状
Key wordsblackberry (Rubus spp.); hybrid progeny; growth trait; fruiting trait; variation range; thorny character
作者吴文龙, 张春红, 王小敏, 胡淑英, 闾连飞, 李维林
所在单位江苏省•中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏南京210014
基金项目江苏省农业科技自主创新基金项目(CX[10]109); 江苏省科技基础设施建设计划项目(BM2009041; BM2010458)