2024年12月17日 星期二
On the population existing state and conservation of Monimopetalum Rehd. of a new recorded genus in Hubei
1998年 第7卷 第4期 页码[38-42]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

永瓣藤( Monimopetalum chinense Rehd .) 为湖北省种子植物区系新记录属, 是中国二级保护植物通山县分布的永瓣藤为次生杉阔混交林内的伴生成分, 群落生活型谱以常绿高位芽植物为主, 种群空间分布格局为集群型其生态适应为明显的偏酸性和一定的耐荫性永瓣藤种群虽规模小, 但具明显的增长型特征, 有发展潜力文中对永瓣藤生物多样性保护提出了具体的建议


Monimopetalum Rehd .is a new recorded genus of spermatophyte flora in Hubei Province, based on that M .chinense Rehd .was firstly discovered in Tongshan county as w ell as a rare and endemic species to China.It is an accom pany ing element in the secondary mixed forests of Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb .) Hook ., Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel ex H. de Lehaie and some broad-leaf species .The evergreen phanerophytes is the main part on the life form. spectrum of their community .The spatial distribution pattern of M .chinense Rehd .population trends to be aggregate and the population has obvious shade-adapted and acidophiolous properties .The survivorship curve and size ( age) structure of this population suggest that it is an increasing type and has obvious developmental potentiality .Finally, some practical proposals about biodiversity conservation of M .chinense Rehd. are illustrated .

关键词瓣藤属; 湖北新记录; 种群特征; 生物多样性保护;
Key wordsMonimopetalum Rehd.; new recorded genus; population characteristics; biodiversity conservation
作者谢国文 谭策铭
所在单位广州教育学院生物系, 广州 510030
江西九江森林植物研究所, 九江 332100