摘要 | 以 来源于广西、广东、贵州、湖南、浙江、安徽、江苏、湖北、四川、陕西、河南和山东的28个麻栎( Quercusacutissima Linn.)地理种源为研究对象,分析了6 个表型性状(包括叶长、叶宽、叶柄长和叶长宽比4 个叶片性状及株高和地径 2 个生长性状)的变异状况;研究了种源间及种源内各性状的变异系数(CV)和相对极差(R°)及种源间各叶片性状的表型分化系数(Vst);并进行了各性状的相关性分析及主成分分析;此外,还对 28 个种源进行了聚类分析。 结果表明:各种源间 6 个表型性状均有极显著差异(P<0. 01);而种源内仅叶宽和叶长分别具有极显著和显著(P<0. 05)差异。 种源间 4 个叶片性状的 Vst 平均值为 23. 98% ,其中叶宽的 Vst 值最大(42. 39% )。 在 6 个表型性状中,叶柄长的 CV 平均值最大(33. 60% )、地径的 CV 平均值最小(16. 25% );在不同种源中,陕西汉中种源各性状的 CV 平均值最小(14. 39% ),而江苏句容、四川万源和山东沂水种源各性状的 CV 平均值均超过 30% 。 各种源间表型性状的R°值差异明显,其中,四川万源种源的 R毅值最大(60. 99% ),湖南新宁和陕西汉中种源的R°值较小(30% 以下);而 6 个性状间 R毅值差别不大,为 34. 93%~ 44. 98% ,表明麻栎种源间的极端差异程度有明显不同,而表型性状间的极端差异程度差异不大。 4 个叶片性状中,仅叶宽与叶长宽比呈极显著负相关,其他性状间均呈极显著正相关;叶片性状与生长性状间均呈负相关,而株高与地径则呈极显著正相关。 麻栎种源表型性状变异的第1 和第 2 主成分的贡献率分别为 43. 663% 和 27. 695% ,第 1 主成分中叶性状变异占主导地位,而第 2 主成分则主要反映生长性状的变异。 通过聚类分析可将 28 个种源分为 2 大类,分别包含 22 和 6 个种源,但聚类分析结果与其地理分布没有明显相关性。 研究结果显示:麻栎种源具有丰富的遗传变异,且其表型性状变异主要存在于种源内。 |
Abstract | Taking twenty-eight geographical provenances of Quercus acutissima Linn. from Guangxi,Guangdong, Guizhou, Hu’nan, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangsu, Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi, He’nan and Shandong as research objects, variation status of six phenotypic traits including four leaf traits ( leaf length, leaf width, petiole length and ratio of leaf length to leaf width) and two growth traits (height and ground diameter) was analyzed. Coefficient of variation (CV) and relative range (R°) of all traits among and within provenances and phenotypic differentiation coefficient ( Vst ) of all leaf traits among provenances were studied, and analyses on correlation and principal component of all traits were also carried out. Moreover, the cluster analysis on twenty-eight provenances was also done. Results show that there are extremely significant ( P < 0. 01 ) differences in six phenotypic traits among different provenances, while within provenances, there are extremely significant and significant ( P < 0. 05 ) differences only in leaf width and leaf length, respectively. Average value of Vst of four leaf traits among provenances is 23. 98% , in which Vst value of leaf width is the biggest (42. 39% ). In six phenotypic traits, CV average value of petiole length is the biggest (33. 60% ) and that of ground diameter is the smallest (16. 25% ), and among different provenances, CV average value of all traits of provenance from Hanzhong of Shaanxi is the smallest (14. 39% ), while that from Jurong of Jiangsu, Wanyuan of Sichuan and Yishui of Shandong all is above 30% . There are obvious difference in R° value of all traits among provenances, in which, R° value of provenance from Wanyuan of Sichuan is the biggest (60. 99%), and that from Xinning of Hu’nan and Hanzhong of Shaanxi is smaller (less than 30% ), while that among six phenotypic traits is 34. 93% - 44. 98% with a little difference, meaning the difference in extreme variation degree is obvious among provenances, and that is not obvious among phenotypic traits. In four leaf traits, there is highly significant negative correlation only between leaf width and ratio of leaf length to leaf width, while there is highly significant positive correlation in other traits. There is a negative correlation between leaf traits and growth traits, while there is a highly significant positive correlation between height and ground diameter. The contribution rate of the first and the second principal components for phenotypic trait variation of Q. acutissima provenances is 43. 663% and 27. 695% , respectively, in which, leaf trait variation plays a dominant role in the first principal component and growth trait variation responses mainly in the second principal component. According to cluster analysis result, twenty-eight geographical provenances can be divided into two groups containing twenty-two and six provenances, respectively, but there is no obvious relationship between cluster analysis result and geographical distribution of provenance. It is suggested that there are rich genetic variations in Q. acutissima provenances, and their phenotypic trait variation exists mostly within provenances. |
关键词 | 麻栎; 地理种源; 表型性状; 变异系数; 相对极差; 聚类分析 |
Key words | Quercus acutissima Linn.; geographical provenance; phenotypic trait; coefficient of variation; relative range; cluster analysis |
作者 | 张元燕1, 虞木奎2, 方炎明1 |
所在单位 | 1. 南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 江苏 南京 210037; 2. 中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所, 浙江 富阳 311400 |
点击量 | 1472 |
下载次数 | 1835 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31370666); 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD) |