2025年3月12日 星期三
Effects of different habitats and sampling parts on active compound content in Taxus wallichiana var. mairei
2013年 第22卷 第1期 页码[50-56]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

采用HPLC 法,对采自浙江、福建和江西7 个产地以及不同坡向(阴坡和阳坡)、不同坡位(高、中、低坡位)的野生南方红豆杉[Taxus wallichiana var. mairei (Lemée et Lévl.) L. K. Fu et Nan Li]枝叶中紫杉醇、7-木糖紫杉醇和三尖杉宁碱含量进行了分析,并比较了南方红豆杉不同部位(茎皮和枝叶)和不同冠层中3 种成分的含量;在此基础上对3 种成分含量与环境因子(包括地理、气候及土壤因子)的相关性进行了分析。结果表明:采自阳坡的枝叶中3 种成分的含量明显高于阴坡,不同坡向间紫杉醇和7-木糖紫杉醇含量差异显著(P<0. 05)。采自不同坡位的枝叶中3 种成分的含量均有一定差异,其中采自低坡位的枝叶中3 种成分的含量均最高。不同产地间紫杉醇含量有极显著差异(P<0. 01)、7-木糖紫杉醇和三尖杉宁碱含量则有显著差异(P<0. 05);总体上看,采自福建建阳和江西景德镇的枝叶中3 种成分的含量相对较高。南方红豆杉茎皮中3 种成分的含量显著高于其枝叶;高冠层枝叶中3 种成分的含量均高于低冠层枝叶,不同冠层间紫杉醇和7-木糖紫杉醇含量差异显著(P<0. 05)。相关性分析结果表明:南方红豆杉中三尖杉宁碱含量与土壤中全N 和土壤有机质含量呈极显著或显著的负相关性,与其他因子的相关性均不显著;而紫杉醇和7-木糖紫杉醇含量与所有因子均无显著的相关性;海拔与3 种成分的含量均呈不显著的负相关性,提示低海拔可能有利于南方红豆杉中3 种成分的合成及积累。



Using HPLC method, contents of taxol, 7-xylosyltaxol and cephalomannine in branch and leaf of Taxus wallichiana var. mairei (Lemée et Lévl.) L. K. Fu et Nan Li collected from seven locations in Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, or from different slope aspects (shady and sunny aspects) and different slope positions (high, middle and low slope positions) were analyzed, and also, those in different parts (bark or branch and leaf) and in different canopy layers of T. wallichiana var. mairei were compared. On these bases, correlation between three compound contents and environmental factors (including geographical, climatic and soil factors) was analyzed. The results show that three compounds contents in branch and leaf from sunny slope are obviously higher than those from shady slope, and contents of taxol and 7-xylosyltaxol have significant differences between different slope aspects (P< 0. 05); and three compound contents in branch and leaf from different slope positions all have a certain difference, in which, those from low slope position are the highest. Among different locations, taxol content has extremely significant difference ( P < 0. 01 ), and contents of 7-xylosyltaxol and   cephalomannine have significant difference (P <0. 05); generally, three compound contents in branch and leaf from Jianyang of Fujian Province and Jingdezhen of Jiangxi Province are relatively higher. Three compound contents in bark are significantly higher than those in branch and leaf; those in branch and leaf of high layer of tree canopy are all higher than those of low layer of tree canopy, and contents of taxol and 7-xylosyltaxol have significant difference among different canopy layers (P<0. 05). Correlation analysis result shows that cephalomannine content in T. wallichiana var. mairei has extremely significant or significant negative correlation with total nitrogen content or organic matter content in soil, its correlation with other factors is un-significant; contents of taxol and 7-xylosyltaxol have no significant correlation with all factors; and the altitude has  unsignificant negative correlation with three compound contents, suggesting lower altitude is helpful to synthesis and accumulation of three compounds in T. wallichiana var. mairei.

关键词南方红豆杉; 紫杉醇; 生境因子; 采样部位; 相关性
Key wordsTaxus wallichiana var. mairei (Lemée et Lévl.) L. K. Fu et Nan Li; taxol; habitat factor; sampling part; correlation
作者于少帅1, 孙启武2,田胜尼3, 柏培磊1, 邵剑文1, 张小平1
所在单位1. 安徽师范大学安徽省重要生物资源保护与利用研究重点实验室生物环境与生态安全安徽省重点实验室, 安徽芜湖241000;
2. 中国林业科学研究院林业研究所国家林业局林木培育重点实验室, 北京100091; 3. 安徽农业大学生命科学学院, 安徽合肥230036
基金项目国家林业局珍稀濒危物种野外救护与繁育项目(2130211); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30840020; 30970292)