摘要 | 通过对结缕草属 (ZoysiaWilld .)植物地上部分 18个形态性状的的聚类分析 ,将产于中国的 78份结缕草种质划分为 6组 ,结缕草 (Z. japonica Steud .)和中华结缕草 (Z. sinica Hance)具有较典型的特征而各自成组 ,细叶结缕草(Z .tenuifolia Willd .)和沟叶结缕草〔Z . matrella (L .)Merr.〕为一组、大穗结缕草 (Z .macrostachya Franch .)和长花结缕草 (Z .sinica var. nipponica Ohwi)为一组 ,另有两组为比较独特的类型。结缕草属植物叶表面被毛、叶长、叶宽等营养性状和生殖枝高度、小穗密度、小穗数量等生殖性状都有较大的变异 ,变异系数 13.75 %~ 5 8.74 % ,其中中华结缕草内部存在更大的变异 ,表明在中华结缕草种内选育更加容易获得优良种质或品种。主成分分析表明 ,小穗数、小穗长、小穗密度、小穗长宽比以及叶片宽度和叶片被毛发达情况是结缕草属形态分类的重要依据 ,其中叶片被毛发达情况可以作为区分结缕草和中华结缕草的简单依据 ;而生殖枝高度、穗长、叶长、花序柄长度 (1)和叶长宽比可作为研究结缕草属下种内分异的主要依据. |
Abstract | Seventy-eight accessions of Zoysia Willd . in China were divided into 6 groups based on 18 morphological traits of above-ground part. Except for Zoysia sinica Hance and Z. japonica Steud. , which were clustered in a separate groups respectively, Z. tenuifolia Willd. and Z .matrella ( L. ) Merr. were clustered together; Z .macrostachya Franch. and Z. sinica var. nipponica Ohwi clustered together, and the rest were individual. High diversity existed in vegetative characteristics such as leaf hair, leaf length, leaf width and reproductive characteristics such as spikelet density , spikelet number , whose CV ( %) were 13. 75%-58. 74%. The variety in Z. sinica was higher than that in Z. japonica, which indicated good germplasm or cultivators easy to be acquired in Z. sinica . PC analysis revealed that spikelet number, spikelet length, spikelet density, ratio of spikelet length to spikelet width as well as leaf width and leaf hair were main indexes used to identify species in Zoysia Willd. , especially leaf hair can be used as a simple index to distinguish Z. sinica and Z. japonica ; Shoot height, spike length, leaf length, flowering culm length (1) and ratio of leaf length to leaf width were main indexes to identify subgroups within the species. |
关键词 | 结缕草属; 种质资源; 形态多样性 |
Key words | Zoysia Willd .; germplasm resources; morphological diversity |
作者 | 李 亚, 凌萍萍, 刘建秀 |
所在单位 | 江苏省中国科学院植物研究所, 江苏 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1426 |
下载次数 | 967 |