摘要 | 以野生芥菜〔Brassica juncea (Linn.) Czern.〕以及抗草甘膦和抗草丁膦转基因油菜(B. napus Linn.)与野生芥菜的正向(以野生芥菜为母本)和反向(以野生芥菜为父本)回交3代子2代、子3代、子4代和子5代种子为研究对象,对在3和15 cm土层中埋藏前及埋藏2、4、6、8和10个月后野生芥菜和各回交后代的活力种子百分比进行了比较。结果表明:总体来看,埋藏在3和15 cm土层中的野生芥菜和各回交后代的活力种子百分比变化趋势相似,均随埋藏时间延长呈下降趋势。回交后代间的活力种子百分比存在差异,在3和15 cm土层中埋藏10个月后,BC3pF3L(抗草丁膦转基因油菜与野生芥菜反向回交3代子2代)的活力种子百分比显著低于野生芥菜,其余3种回交3代子2代的活力种子百分比与野生芥菜无显著差异;在3 cm土层中埋藏10个月后,回交3代子3代、子4代和子5代的活力种子百分比显著低于野生芥菜,但在15 cm土层中埋藏10个月后,其活力种子百分比基本上与野生芥菜无显著差异。在15 cm土层中埋藏6、8和10个月后,各回交后代的活力种子百分比显著高于在3 cm土层中埋藏相同时间的活力种子百分比,说明土壤埋藏深度对各回交后代活力种子百分比有显著影响,埋藏深度越大,活力种子百分比下降越缓慢。研究结果显示:各回交后代的活力种子百分比在不同土层中总体上较高,因此,应加强防范转基因油菜的抗性基因向野生芥菜漂移,杜绝产生回交后代,并采取有效措施尽量避免种子逃逸,同时加强对自生苗的监测。 |
Abstract | Taking seeds of wild Brassica juncea (Linn.) Czern. and the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth progenies of the third forward (taking wild B. juncea as female parent) and reverse (taking wild B. juncea as male parent) backcross generation between glyphosateresistant or glufosinateresistant transgenic B. napus Linn. and wild B. juncea as research objects, the viable seed percentages of wild B. juncea and each backcross progeny before burying and burying for 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 months in 3 and 15 cm soil layers were compared. The results show that in general, the change trends of viable seed percentages of wild B. juncea and each backcross progeny burying in 3 and 15 cm soil layers are similar, all of them appear a decrease trend with prolonging of burying time. There are differences in viable seed percentage among backcross progenies. When burying for 10 months in 3 and 15 cm soil layers, the viable seed percentage of BC3pF3L (the second progeny of the third reverse backcross generation between glufosinateresistant transgenic B. napus and wild B. juncea) is significantly lower than that of wild B. juncea, that of other three second progenies of the third backcross generation has no significant difference with that of wild B. juncea; when burying for 10 months in 3 cm soil layer, the viable seed percentage of the third, the fourth and the fifth progenies of the third backcross generation is significantly lower than that of wild B. juncea, but when burying for 10 months in 15 cm soil layer, their viable seed percentage basically has no significant difference with that of wild B. juncea. When burying for 6, 8 and 10 months in 15 cm soil layer, the viable seed percentage of each backcross progeny is significantly higher than that burying for the same time in 3 cm soil layer, indicating that soil burying depth has a significant effect on viable seed percentage of each backcross progeny, the greater the burying depth, the slower the viable seed percentage decrease. It is suggested that overall, the viable seed percentage of each backcross progeny in different soil layers is relatively high, therefore, it is necessary to prevent the resistance gene of transgenic B. napus escape to wild B. juncea, stop producing backcross progenies, and effective measures should be taken to avoid seed escape, meanwhile, strengthen monitoring of volunteer seedlings. |
关键词 | 抗除草剂转基因油菜; 野生芥菜; 回交后代; 活力种子百分比; 基因漂移 |
Key words | herbicideresistant transgenic Brassica napus Linn.; wild Brassica juncea (Linn.) Czern.; progeny of backcross generation; viable seed percentage; gene flow |
作者 | 王钰, 王晓蕾, 张庆玲, 王建, 强胜, 宋小玲 |
所在单位 | 南京农业大学 杂草研究室, 江苏 南京 210095 |
点击量 | 1653 |
下载次数 | 1009 |
基金项目 | 国家转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项(2016ZX08012005-006); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31270579) |