2025年3月15日 星期六
Chemical analysis of seeds from Armeniaca zhidanensis C. Z. Qiao et Y. P. Zhu and other original plants of Semen Armeniacne
1993年 第2卷 第1期 页码[56-57]    下载全文[0.2MB]  

The amygdalin contents and fatty acid composition of seeds o Armeniaca zhidanensis C. Z. Qiao et Y. P.Zhu sp. nov. and the 4 original plants of Semen Armeniacae, A. vulgaris Lam. , A. vulgaris Lam. var. ansu(Maxim. ) Yü et Lu, A.sibirica(L. ) Lam. , and A. mandshurica(Maxim. ) Skv. were analyzed. No significant differences were found in amygdalin content and fatty acid composition between seeds of A. zhidanensis and the 4 original plants of Semen Armeniacae. It is suggested that the seed of A. zhidanensis used as Semen Armeniacae and recorded in Chinese Pharmacopoeia.


关键词志丹杏; 苦杏仁; 苦杏仁甙; 脂肪酸;
Key wordsArmeniaca zhidanensis C. Z. Qiao et Y. P.Zhu; Semen Armeniacae; amygdalin; fatty acid
作者朱友平, 乔传卓, 苏中武 ,李承枯
所在单位第二军 医大 学 药学 院 , 上海 2 0 0 4 3 3