2025年3月14日 星期五
Comparative anatom ical study on structural features of mericarp of 5 type species introduced into China in Apiaceae
2006年 第15卷 第4期 页码[9-16]    下载全文[1.5MB]  

对中国伞形科中长期引种栽培的旱芹(Apium graveolens L.)、茴香(Foeniculum vulgare Miller)、欧当归(Levisticum officinale Koch)、欧防风(Pastinaca sativa L.)和莳萝(Anethum graveolens L.)5个模式种的果实进行了比较解剖学研究,详细描述了各种类分生果的解剖结构及主要特征,并从分生果横切面的轮廓形状、果棱、维管束、油管和合生面等解剖学性状系统分析了各种类的异同,提出果体腹面及合生面的长度及其比值、果棱间距离及其比值、果体侧面与腹面间的角度、侧棱与腹面间的角度、果体长宽比等新的数量化的伞形科解剖性状特征,并按果体压扁程度将5个种类分成几不压扁(旱芹)、轻度压扁(茴香)、中度压扁(莳萝和欧当归)和高度压扁(欧防风)4大类,同时探讨了果实解剖特征与它们的演化程度的关系。 


Bymeans of comparative anatomymethod, the characters ofmericarp transections of five type species in Apiaceae, .i e. Apium graveolens L., Foeniculum vulgare Miller, Levisticum officinale Koch, Pastinaca sativa L. and Anethum graveolens L., which had been introduced into China, were described. The similarities and differences of anatomical features of five species were compared based on shape of mericarp transection, morphological feature of rib, number and locality of vascular bundle in rib and vittae in mesocarp. Some new numberical features of mericarp transaction were used such as length ratio of furrow between ribs, length and ratio of commissure and ventral side of mericarp, angle between lateral side and ventral side of mericarp and between marginal rib and ventral side of mericarp, and ratio of width and length of fruit body. The mericarp of five species were divided into 4 types according to the dorso-compressed degree of mericarp: not compressed(Apium graveolens), slightly dorso-compressed (F. vulgare), medium dorso-compressed(Anethum graveolens and L. officinale) and strongly dorso-compressed(P. sativa).


关键词伞形科; 果实; 解剖; 引种植物;
Key wordsApiaceae; fruit; anatomy; introduced plant
作者刘 芳,刘启新
所在单位江苏省 中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园),江苏南京210014