2025年3月14日 星期五
The relationship between Spirulina platensis Geitler growth and its light utilization
2001年 第10卷 第3期 页码[7-10]    下载全文[0.7MB]  

对钝顶螺旋藻 (Spirulina platensis Geitler)细胞培养体系的光衰减以及连续培养条件下藻细胞生长对光能的利用特性进行了分析 ,结果表明 :改进的Lambert Beer定律I =I0 exp( -αxL) 可较好地描述细胞浓度及光程对光衰减的综合影响 ;引入平均光强和细胞平均比消光量概念 ,借鉴Monod方程形式 ,较好地描述了它们与比生长速率之间的关系 ,并求得最大比生长速率 μm、光强半饱和参数kI、光能维持系数m和得率系数YG分别为 μm=1.75 /d ,kI=1.45 3× 10 3 lx, m =4.188× 10 -2 mW/(cm2 ·OD560 ·h) ,YG=3.637× 10 -3 (OD560 ·cm2 ) /mW。 


The characteristics of light attenuation and light utilization by Spirulina platensis Geitler cells were investigated under continuous culture conditions .It was found that the adapted Lambert-Beer law could wellsimulate synthetic influences of cell concentration and optical length on light attenuation .Two useful concepts , average irradiance and specific light energy utilization  , were introduced to describe the relationship between cells growth and light utilization by means of the Monod type equation .Based on the experimental data , four parameters , the maximum specific growth rate μm , the half light-saturation constant k I , the light:The characteristics of light attenuation and light utilization by Spirulina platensis Geitler cells were investigated under continuous culture conditions .It was found that the adapted Lambert-Beer law could well simulate synthetic influences of cell concentration and optical length on light attenuation .Two useful concepts , average irradiance and specific light energy utilization rate , were introduced to describe the relationship between cells growth and light utilization by means of the Monod type equation .Based on the experimental data , four parameters , the maximum specific growth rate μm , the half light-saturation constant k I , the light maintenance coefficient m , and light yield coefficient Y G are gained respectively μm =1 .7 5 / d , k I =1 .453 ×103 lx , m = 4 .188 ×10-2 mW/(cm2·OD560·h), Y G = 3 .637 ×10-3 (OD560·cm2)/mW .

关键词光衰减; 螺旋藻; 平均光强; 光能维持系数; 光能得率系数; LambertBeer定律;
Key wordslight attenuation; Spirulina platensis Geitler; average light intensity; light maintenance coefficient; light yield coefficient; Lambert-Beer law
作者曾文炉 , 李浩然 , 蔡昭铃 , 欧阳藩
所在单位中国科学院化工冶金研究所生化工程国家重点实验室, 北京 100080
基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目 (2 9776 0 44);