摘要 | 用焦锑酸钾沉淀的电镜细胞化学方法研究低温胁迫下龙眼(Dimocarpus longana Lour.)幼叶细胞内Ca2+水平的变化。未经低温处理的幼叶,细胞壁、细胞间隙、质膜和液泡存在大量的Ca2+沉淀颗粒,叶绿体、细胞质和细胞核中也有一些Ca2+沉淀颗粒分布,表明液泡和细胞间隙是植物细胞的钙库。龙眼幼叶经4℃44h处理后,质膜上Ca2+沉淀颗粒明显增多,细胞质和细胞核中的Ca2+水平增加。不抗寒品种在低温胁迫下核膜开口,有时可观察到核内容物外漏。抗寒品种叶绿体中类囊体不形成基粒,少数片层结合重叠后伸展在整个叶绿体中。而不抗寒品种类囊体则堆积成明显的颗粒状基粒,片层数量较多,且叶绿体多数成蝶型排列。 |
Abstract | The changes of Ca2+ localization in cells of longan (Dimocarpus longana Lour .) leaflets under chilling stress were investigated with calcium antimonate precipitate-electromicroscopic cytochemical methods .When longan leaflets grew at the optimum temperature , it w as shown that the deposits of calcium antimonate , being the indicator for Ca2+ localization , mainly concentrated within the vacuoles and intercellular spaces , and that there w as also some Ca2+ deposits in plastid , mitochondria , cytoplasm and nucleus .This indicates that under the normal condition , the vacuoles are the main pool of Ca2 + , and that there is quite an amount of Ca2+ in the intercellular spaces .On the contrary , the free Ca2+ in cy toplasm and nucleus is very low under the normal condition .When the long an leaflet was treated at the temperature of 4 ℃ for 44 hours , the level of Ca2+ in cytoplasm and nucleus increased considerably . When the chilling stress occurs , a great amount of Ca2+ deposits in vacuole and chloroplast .The membrane of nucleus in the cold sensible variety had been damaged and some nuclear substances let out .There w ere some stroma thylakoids in the cells of cold resistant variety , while many basal granules in the cold sensible variety .The membrane of chloroplasts had been damaged .The chloroplasts appear as butterfly-style. in the cells of cold sensible variety . |
关键词 | Changes of the level of Ca2 + in cells and cytological electromicroscopic structure of longan leafletsChanges of the level of Ca2 + in cells and cytological electromicroscopic structure of longan leaflets under low temperature stress |
Key words | Changes of the level of Ca2+ in cells and cytological electromicroscopic structure of longan leaflets under low temperature stress |
作者 | 陈由强;叶冰莹;朱锦懋;王丽雅;陈文列; |
所在单位 | 福建师范大学生物工程学院 福州350007 福建医科大学电镜室 福州350001 |
点击量 | 1521 |
下载次数 | 1028 |
基金项目 | 福建省教育委员会科学基金资助项目 (K92 0 2 0 ); |