摘要 | 采用ISSR分子标记技术对来源于不同地区的19份药用菊花(Dendranthe mamorifolium Ramat.)种源、4份野菊(D. indicum L.)种源、1份菊花脑(D. nankingese Hand.-Mazz.)种源和1份杂交菊花‘黄金菊’ (D. indicum×D. morifolium‘Gongju’)种源进行了遗传关系分析。从38条引物中筛选出6条引物,共扩增出66条带,平均多态性条带百分率达95.5%。聚类分析结果表明,取λ=16,25份种源可分成2大组,即野菊、菊花脑和杂交菊花归为一组,19份药用菊花种源归为一组;19份药用菊花种源又可根据原产地进一步分成2组,大部分原产北方的药用菊花种源的遗传关系较近,而大部分南方栽培的药用菊花种源也有相对较近的遗传关系。 |
Abstract | Analysis of genetic relationships among nineteen provenances of Dendranthema morifolium Ramat., four provenances of D. indicum., one provenance of D. nankingese Hand.-Mazz. and one hybrid provenance of D. indicum ×D. morifolium `Gongju' from different locations was carried out by using ISSR molecular markertechnique. The results showed that six primers of ISSR were selected from thirty-eight primers and sixty-sixbandswere amplified by the six primers. Average percentage of polymorphicb and was 95.5%.The results of cluster analysis indicated that twenty-five provenances could be divided into two groups at λ= 16,one group including D. indicum, D. nankingese and a hybrid, another group including nineteen provenances of D. morifolium, the latter was further divided into two groups according to geographicorigins. Genetic relationships among most of D. morifolium provenances from the Northern of China were close and genetic relationships among most of D. morifolium provenances from the Southern of China were also close. |
关键词 | 药用菊花; 野菊; 菊花脑; 杂交菊花; ISSR分子标记; 亲缘关系 |
Key words | Dendranthema morifolium Ramat.; D.indicum L.; D.nankingese Hand.-Mazz.; D. indicum×D.morifolium ‘Gongju'; ISSR molecular marker; genetic relationship |
作者 | 吕琳,秦民坚,贺丹霞,顾瑶华 |
所在单位 | 中国药科大学中药资源学研究室教育部现代中药研究重点实验室,江苏南京210038 |
点击量 | 1801 |
下载次数 | 1138 |
基金项目 | 中国药科大学校引进人才科研启动基金(211068) |