2025年3月14日 星期五
2002年 第11卷 第2期 页码[53-60]    下载全文[1MB]  

国立威尔斯( ) 植物园是按里约全球最高会议明确的可持续性原则而建立的第一个国家植物园可持续性
, 却并非其焦点, 只是其工作的准则在该园, 持续性是建立在社会政治经济文化精神和环境
, 该园也提供了广泛的建议有助于人们对未来作出新的选择它是最佳未来的旗手
, 改善人民健康和促进社会稳定


The National Botanic Garden of Walse is the first national botanic garden to be built with a clear vision derived from the principles of sustainability laid down at the Rio Earth Summit. although the garden is embracing sustainability as its overall theme that is not our focus-merely how we go about our business. Sustainability at the Garden of Wales is based on a holistic approach within a social, political, economic, cultural, spiritual and environmental context.The garden offers a wide range of approaches to help people make new choices about their futures. It will be a flag-bearer for“preferred futures”. The paper describes how the Garden of Wales is helping regenerate the region economically by adopting a preferred futures approach which involves envisioning a desired future then working back from there (“backcasting”) in partnership with others to change the present in order to achieve that future.Examples covered include:Biotechnium ( the world′ s first Biosciences business incubator within a botanic garden) ; new partnership-based tourism products for Walse; local and regional product development and sourcing for retail outlets in the garden; and the creation of traditional healing and lifelong learning centres in the garden. Reference will also be made to: how the garden recycles water, deals with its effluent in a “Living Machine”, generates its heat and power in a Biomass Boiler, runs its farms organically, uses slate waste as mulch, is creating genetic and global warming gardens, planning its demonstration organic and heritage vegetable gardens and biomass plantations. Abroad outline will also be given of the scientific role of the garden and the role it will play in conserving the flora of Wales and West Atlantic Europe. A key theme of the paper is that through ideas generated in the paper that botanic gardens can and should help increase economic wealth, improve health and promote stable communities. It is how we map out our futures and set tough actions the achieve them that will ensure that the 1 860 botanic gardens around the world will remain relevant, vital, and flourishing.

关键词可持续发展; 经济复苏; 生物技术孵化器; 植物园; 最佳未来;
Key wordssustainable development; economic regeneration; biosciences business incubator; botanic garden; preferred future
作者斯特顿 C
所在单位威尔士国家植物园 卡马森郡SA328HW威尔士