2025年3月9日 星期日
Effects of water extracts of Solidago canadensis on gametophyte development of Dryopteris erythrosora
2025年 第34卷 第1期 页码[114-117]    下载全文[1MB]  

探讨加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis Linn.)对蕨类植物配子体发育的影响,以0.0 g·mL-1水浸提液为对照,研究0.8、2.4、4.0 g·mL-1根、茎、叶水浸提液对红盖鳞毛蕨〔Dryopteris erythrosora (D. C. Eaton) Kuntze〕孢子萌发和性别分化的影响。结果表明:加拿大一枝黄花根、茎和叶水浸提液处理组的红盖鳞毛蕨孢子萌发率均低于对照组,且随着水浸提液质量浓度的增加,孢子萌发率逐渐降低,其中,4.0 g·mL-1叶水浸提液处理组在培养7~29 d的孢子萌发率总体显著低于对照组,且在所有处理组中均最低。与对照组相比,各部位水浸提液处理组均使雄配子体占比上升、雌配子体和两性配子体占比下降,在同一质量浓度水浸提液处理下,茎水浸提液处理组的雄配子体占比总体最高,其中,4.0 g·mL-1茎水浸提液处理组的雄配子体占比最高,达80.4%;0.8 g·mL-1根、茎、叶水浸提液处理组的3种配子体占比与对照组均无显著差异;4.0 g·mL-1根、茎、叶水浸提液处理组的3种配子体占比与对照组总体差异显著。整体而言,加拿大一枝黄花叶水浸提液对红盖鳞毛蕨孢子萌发的抑制作用较强,茎水浸提液对性别分化的影响较强,地上部分水浸提液对孢子萌发的抑制作用以及对性别分化的影响强于地下部分,且影响呈现剂量效应关系。



To investigate the effect of Solidago canadensis Linn. on the gametophyte development of ferns, 0.0 g·mL-1 water extract was taken as the control, and the effects of 0.8, 2.4, and 4.0 g·mL-1 water extracts from its roots, stems, and leaves on spore germination and sexual differentiation of Dryopteris erythrosora (D. C. Eaton) Kuntze were studied. The results show that the spore germination rates of D. erythrosora in water extract treatment groups of roots, stems, and leaves of S. canadensis are all lower than those in the control group, and with the increase of mass concentration of the water extract, the spore germination rates gradually decrease, among which, the spore germination rate in 4.0 g·mL-1 leaf water extract treatment group is significantly lower than that in the control group in general during the cultivation period of 7-29 d, and the spore germination rate is the lowest in all treatment groups. Compared with the control group, the water extract treatment group of each part all result in an increase in the proportion of male gametophytes and a decrease in the proportions of female and hermaphroditic gametophytes, and under water extract treatment at the same mass concentration, the proportions of male gametophytes in stem water extract treatment groups are generally the highest, in which, the proportion of male gametophytes in 4.0 g·mL-1 stem water extract treatment group is the highest, reaching 80.4%; there are no significant differences in proportions of the three types of gametophytes between 0.8 g·mL-1 root, stem, and leaf water extract treatment groups and the control group; the differences in proportions of the three types of gametophytes are significant in general between 4.0 g·mL-1 root, stem, and leaf water extract treatment groups and the control group. Overall, the inhibitory effect of leaf water extracts of S. canadensis on spore germination is relatively strong, the effect of stem water extracts on sex differentiation of D. erythrosora is relatively strong, the water extracts of the above-ground parts have a stronger inhibitory effect on spore germination and impact on sex differentiation compared with the under-ground parts, and these effects exhibit a dose-effect relationship.


关键词加拿大一枝黄花; 水浸提液; 红盖鳞毛蕨; 孢子萌发; 性别分化
Key wordsSolidago canadensis Linn.; water extract; Dryopteris erythrosora (D. C. Eaton) Kuntze; spore germination; sexual differentiation
作者秦勤, 汪玉婕, 周婕妮, 孙锐, 戴锡玲
所在单位上海师范大学生命科学学院, 上海 200234