2025年3月14日 星期五
Analysis of alkaloid compositions from Corydalis incisa
2008年 第17卷 第4期 页码[67-69] 下载全文[0.5MB]
Abstract | Thirteen alkaloid compounds isolated from whole plant of Corydalis incisa(Thunb.)Pers.were identified. These compounds are(+)-14-epicorynoline(Ⅰ), N-trans-feruloyltyramine(Ⅱ), corynoline(Ⅲ), acetylcorynoline(Ⅳ), corynoloxine(Ⅴ), protopine(Ⅵ), corycavine(Ⅶ), (+)-corytuberine(Ⅷ), corydamine(Ⅸ), corysamine(Ⅹ), coptisine(Ⅺ), dehydrocheilanthifoline(Ⅻ) and 12-hydroxycorynoline(ⅩⅢ). CompoundⅡ,Ⅷ and Ⅻ are obtained from C.incisa for the first time. |
关键词 | 刻叶紫堇; 生物碱; 化学成分; 结构鉴定; |
Key words | Corydalis incisa (Thunb.)Pers.; alkaloid; chemical constituent; structural identification |
作者 | 张 颖a,b,秦民坚a,b ,谢国勇a |
所在单位 | 中国药科大学a.中药资源学研究室;b.现代中药教育部重点实验室,江苏南京210038 |
点击量 | 1357 |
下载次数 | 939 |