2024年10月23日 星期三
Analysis on genetic diversity and construction of DNA fingerprinting of 32 Lilium spp. cultivars
2022年 第31卷 第5期 页码[58-65]    下载全文[4.2MB]  

用SRAP分子标记研究了亚洲百合(Lilium Asiatica Hybrids)杂种系(A)、铁炮百合(Lilium longiflorum Thunb.)与亚洲百合杂种系(LA)、东方百合(Lilium Oriental Hybrids)杂种系(O)和东方百合与喇叭百合(Lilium Trumpet Hybrids)杂种系(OT)32个百合(Lilium spp.)品种的遗传多样性和亲缘关系,并构建了DNA指纹图谱。结果表明:筛选到的17对多态性引物共扩增出177个清晰的多态性条带,平均每对引物扩增10.4个多态性条带;17对引物的平均多态性信息含量指数为0.330 6,平均Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.424 9。32个百合品种间的遗传相似性系数为0.356~0.836,平均值为0.561。聚类分析结果显示:在遗传相似系数0.578处,32个百合品种可被分为2个类群:类群Ⅰ包含A和LA百合杂种系的15个品种,类群Ⅱ包含O和OT百合杂种系的17个品种;在遗传相似系数0.633处,类群Ⅰ可被进一步分为3个亚类群,类群Ⅱ可被进一步分为2个亚类群,其中,‘Friso’单独聚为一类,说明‘Friso’与其他供试的O和OT百合杂种系品种间的亲缘关系较远。PCR扩增结果显示:引物ME11-EM8可将32个百合品种完全区分开,基于其扩增出的18个清晰的多态性条带(DNA片段长度分别为75、110、126、146、158、170、176、187、197、216、217、238、257、277、293、304、359和410 bp)构建了32个百合品种的DNA指纹图谱,且指纹图谱的置信概率高达99.99%。综合研究表明:基于引物ME11-EM8构建的DNA指纹图谱在鉴定百合品种上具有很好的准确性,可用于百合品种资源的鉴定;在未来百合新品种的选育中,‘Friso’可作为特殊的亲本材料以增加新品种间的遗传差异。


The genetic diversity and genetic relationship of 32 Lilium spp. cultivars of Lilium Asiatica Hybrids (A), Lilium longiflorum Thunb. and L. Asiatica Hybrids (LA), Lilium Oriental Hybrids (O), and L. Oriental Hybrids and Lilium Trumpet Hybrids (OT) were studied by using SRAP molecular marker, and the DNA fingerprinting was constructed. The results show that 177 clear polymorphic bands are amplified with selected 17 pairs of polymorphic primers, and 10.4 polymorphic bands are amplified with each pair of primers on average; the average of polymorphism information content index of 17 pairs of primers is 0.330 6, and the average of Neis gene diversity index is 0.424 9. The genetic similarity coefficients among 32 Lilium spp. cultivars are 0.356-0.836, and the average is 0.561. The cluster analysis result shows that at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.578, 32 Lilium spp. cultivars can be divided into two groups: group Ⅰ contains 15 cultivars of A and LA Lilium spp. hybrids, and group Ⅱ contains 17 cultivars of O and OT Lilium spp. hybrids; at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.633, group Ⅰ can be further divided into three subgroups, and group Ⅱ can be further divided into two subgroups, in which, ‘Friso’ is clustered into one group individually, indicating that ‘Friso’ has relative far genetic relationships with the other test O and OT Lilium spp. hybrids. The PCR amplification result shows that primer ME11-EM8 can totally distinguish 32 Lilium spp. cultivars, and the DNA fingerprinting of 32 Lilium spp. cultivars is constructed based on 18 clear polymorphic bands amplified with this primer (the DNA fragment lengths are 75, 110, 126, 146, 158, 170, 176, 187, 197, 216, 217, 238, 257, 277, 293, 304, 359, and 410 bp respectively), and the confidence probability of the fingerprinting reaches 99.99%. It is suggested that the constructed DNA fingerprinting based on primer ME11-EM8 has good accuracy on identifying Lilium spp. cultivars, and can be used in identification of Lilium spp. cultivar resources; in the future breeding of new Lilium spp. cultivars, ‘Friso’ can be used as a special parent material to increase genetic differences among new cultivars.

关键词百合; 品种; SRAP分子标记; 遗传多样性; DNA指纹图谱
Key wordsLilium spp.; cultivar; SRAP molecular marker; genetic diversity; DNA fingerprinting
作者王子康, 苏江硕, 张雪峰, 宁心怡, 周迎雪, 房伟民, 陈发棣, 张飞
所在单位南京农业大学园艺学院, 江苏 南京 210095
基金项目国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFD1000400); 江苏省现代农业(花卉)产业技术体系建设项目(JATS[2022]459; JATS[2022]455)