摘要 | 用气相色谱-质谱方法分析了马蹄参( Diplopanax stachyanthus Hand.-M azz.) 和近缘属植物挤果树参( Dendropanax confertus Li) 、桃叶珊瑚( Aucuba japonica T hunb .) 、毛 ( Cornus walteri Wanger.) 、八角金盘〔Fatsia japonica ( Thunb .) Dence.et Planch .〕的种子油脂肪酸成分。 结果表明在所测定的马蹄参种子油样本中含量最高的成分是亚油酸 C18∶2( 9C, 12C) , 同时含 有岩芹酸C18∶1( 6C)这一异常脂肪酸。 种子油脂肪酸分布特征支持将马蹄参属移出五加科, 改隶于广义的山茱萸科。 |
Abstract | The fatty acids from the seeds of Diplopanax stachyanthus Hand .-M azz .and 4 species of its relative genara Cornus L ., Aucuba Thunb ., Fatsia Decne .et Planch .and Dendropanax Decne.et Planch .were analyzed by GC-M S. In Diplopanax stachyanthus linoleic acid ( C18∶2( 9C, 12C) ) predominates over oleicacid ( C18∶1( 9C) ) , and special attention was paid to the occurrence of petroselinic acid ( C18∶1( 6C) ) .On balance,the fatty acid patterns of Diplopanax are therefore, more like those of the Cornaceae than those of the Araliaceae, the genus should be included in the family Cornaceae s .l . |
关键词 | 蹄参属; 五加科; 山茱萸科; 脂肪酸; 化学分类学; |
Key words | Diplopanax Hand. -Mazz.; Cornaceae; Araliaceae; fatty acids; chemotaxonomy |
作者 | 朱伟华, 向其柏, 欧惠英 |
所在单位 | 南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院, 南京 210037 |
点击量 | 1493 |
下载次数 | 1030 |