2025年3月12日 星期三
杨树 N L-80106 转 Bt 基因植株的获得及抗虫性
Genetic transformation of poplar NL-80106 transferred by Bt gene and its insect-resistance
2000年 第9卷 第2期 页码[1-5]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

通过根癌农杆菌 (Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导将苏云金杆菌 (Bacillus thuringiensis)毒蛋白基因Bt转入杨树NL 80 10 6 (美洲黑杨×小叶杨 ,Populus deltoides×Populus simonii) ,获得了再生植株。PCR及PCR Southernblotting的分析结果表明 ,Bt基因已整合到基因组中。部分转基因植株的杀虫实验表明 ,转基因植株B45和B6 4对一龄舞毒蛾 (Lymantria dispar Linn .)幼虫有明显抗性 ,饲喂转基因杨树叶片的幼虫死亡率显著高于未转基因的对照植株。


Genetically transformed poplar (Populus deltoides × Populus simonii ) plants w ere regenerated after co-cultivation of leaf disks with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 that harbo red a binary vector pFWZ10 which induced Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin gene (Bt gene) and npt gene. Some transformations that w ere confirmed by PCR and PCR-Southern blo tting showed obviously insect-resistance compared with the control poplar .Elisa w ill be done to identify the expression of Bt gene in the transformed poplar plants .

关键词Bt; 杨树NL-80106; 转基因; 抗虫性;
Key wordsBacillus thuringiensis ( Bt); poplar NL-80106; gene transformation; insect-resistance
作者饶红宇, 陈 英, 黄敏仁, 王明庥,伍宁丰, 范云六
所在单位南京林业大学林木遗传和基因工程重点实验室, 南京 210037
中国农业科学院生物技术研究所, 北京 100081