摘要 | 从甜味成分种类及含量的不同,研究甜菊(Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)实生群体和单株无性系的变化,从中选育优质甜味成分含量高的良种。主要结果:(1)在实生群体中,丰产株型(圆纺锤形株)占7.3%,其中,优质甜味成分R-A含量超过St含量的R-A型株占10.96%,它们的R-A含量变幅为3.3~12.0%。(2)R-A型良种J-2单株无性系在繁殖达2000万株时,叶片大小和含甙量均存在极显著差异,R-A含量变幅为4.5~12.2%。(3)从R-A含量为3.86%的实生群体中选出R-A含量为7.04~12.03%的单株及从R-A含量为9.10%的良种单株无性系中选出R-A含量为10.15~12.15%的单株,它们的R-A含量均大幅度提高。 |
Abstract | The present paper deals with the investigation on the seedling population and clone variation from the difference of sweet component and content in Stma ~reEaudian0 Bertoni, improved types of high content of Rebaudioside A(R-A) was selected. The results showed : (1) There are 7. 3% high yielding plants in seedling population, in which the proportion of R-A type with content of R-A over St content is 10. 96%, and their R-A content varies from 3. 3 to 12. 0 %. (2) Among the selected improved clone 5-2, there are high significant difference in leaf size and steviosides content. The R-A content varies from 4. 5 to 12. 2 %. (3) The individuals with R-A content of 7. 04- 12. 03 % from seedling population (original content 3. 86 % ) and individuals with R-A content of 1 0. 15- 12. 15 % from improved individual clone (original content 9. I 0% ) were selected out. |
关键词 | 甜菊; 甜菊甙; R-A型甜菊; 无性系; 良种选育; |
Key words | Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni; stevioside; type R-A of stevia; clone; type selection |
作者 | 黄应森 ,郭爱桂, 钱 愉 ,陈兰英 ,顾鸿飞 |
所在单位 | 江苏省中植物研究所中国科学院植物研究所,南京 210014 江苏省南通农垦农业科学研究所,南通 226374 |
点击量 | 1213 |
下载次数 | 1066 |