摘要 | 以甜菊(Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)的耐盐性较强品种‘中山 3 号’和‘守田 2 号’及 R-A 高含量品种‘中山 4号’和‘守田 3 号’为亲本配置 7 个杂交组合并获得杂交种子,对种子结实率和发芽率及 F1代幼苗的存活率进行统计分析,在此基础上采用砂培和水培方法比较了亲本及 F1代扦插苗对 NaCl 胁迫的耐性。 结果表明:品种间杂交组合的结实率均显著高于同系列品种间杂交及自交组合,其中‘守田 2 号’ ב中山 3 号’杂交组合的结实率最高,为74. 9% ;7 个杂交组合 F1代的种子发芽率为 63. 8% ~ 89. 0% ,差异明显; ‘守田 2 号’ ב中山 4 号’ 杂交组合 F1代幼苗存活率相对较低(79. 80% ),其他杂交组合 F1 代幼苗存活率均在 93% 以上。 砂培条件下,用 100 mmol· L-1NaCl 胁迫 7 d,各杂交组合 F1代扦插苗的存活率差异不显著;随 NaCl 胁迫时间的延长各杂交组合 F1代扦插苗的存活率均明显下降;胁迫 28 d,‘守田 2 号’ ב守田 3 号’杂交组合以及‘中山 3 号’自交组合 F1代扦插苗的存活率显著高于其他杂交组合。 水培条件下,用 100、150、200 和 250 mmol· L-1 NaCl 胁迫 14 d,‘守田 2 号’ ב中山 3 号’、‘中山3 号’ ב守田2 号’和‘中山3 号’ × ‘守田3 号’3 个杂交组合 F1代扦插苗的存活率均显著高于其耐盐亲本及其他杂交组合。 研究结果说明:通过杂交提高甜菊耐盐能力是可行的,而亲本的耐盐能力及亲本配置对杂交后代目标性状有较大影响; ‘中山 3 号’ ב守田 2 号’、‘守田 2 号’ ב中山 3 号’和‘中山 3 号’ ב守田 3 号’是耐盐性较强的甜菊优良杂交组合。 |
Abstract | Taking two salt tolerance cultivars (‘Zhongshan No. 3’ and ‘Shoutian No. 2’) and two high R-A content cultivars (‘ Zhongshan No. 4 ‘ and ‘ Shoutian No. 3 ‘) of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni as parents, seven cross combinations were combined and hybrid seeds were obtained. And setting rate of seven cross combinations and seed germination rate and seedling survival rate of F1 hybrids were statistically analyzed, and on the basis, resistance to NaCl stress of cutting seedlings of F1 hybrids was compared by sand culture and hydroponics methods. The results show that setting rate of cross combinations among cultivars is significantly higher than that between same line cultivars and self-cross combinations, in which, that of cross combination ‘Shoutian No. 2’ בZhongshan No. 3’ is the highest with a setting rate of 74. 9% . There are obvious differences in seed germination rate of F1 hybrids among seven cross combinations with the rate of 63. 8% -89. 0% . Seedling survival rate of F1 hybrids of cross combination ‘Shoutian No. 2’ בZhongshan No. 4’ is relative low (79. 80% ), while that of other cross combinations is over 93% . Under sand culture condition, with 100 mmol· L-1 NaCl stressing for 7 d, survival rate of cutting seedlings of F1 hybrids among seven cross combinations has no significant difference, but that obviously decreases with prolonging of NaCl stress time. And NaCl stressing for 28 d, survival rate of cutting seedlings of F1 hybrids of cross combination ‘Shoutian No. 2’ בShoutian No. 3’and self-cross combination ‘ Zhongshan No. 3 ‘ is significantly higher than that of other cross combinations. Under hydroponics condition, with 100, 150, 200 and 250 mmol· L-1 NaCl stressing for 14 d, survival rate of cutting seedlings of F1 hybrids of cross combinations ‘ Shoutian No. 2 ‘ בZhongshan No. 3’, ‘Zhongshan No. 3’ בShoutian No. 2’ and ‘Zhongshan No. 3’ × ‘Shoutian No. 3’ is higher than that of salt tolerance parents and other cross combinations. It is suggested that improving salt resistance of S. rebaudiana by cross breeding is feasible, and parental salt tolerance and parental combinations have great effects on target traits of hybrids. And ‘Zhongshan No. 3’ בShoutian No. 2’, ‘Shoutian No. 2’ בZhongshan No. 3’ and ‘Zhongshan No. 3’ × ‘Shoutian No. 3’are better cross combinations with stronger salt resistance.
关键词 | 甜菊; 杂交组合; 结实率; 发芽率; 存活率; 耐盐性 |
Key words | Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni; cross combination; setting rate; germination rate; survival rate; salt resistance |
作者 | 杨永恒, 黄苏珍, 佟海英 |
所在单位 | 江苏省• 中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1375 |
下载次数 | 1062 |
基金项目 | 江苏省科技支撑计划项目(BE2009322); 江苏省农业三项工程项目(SX2011247) |