摘要 | “神山”是广西岩溶地区民族植物文化的重要组成部分。本文探讨了“神山”的社会文化内涵,论述了“神山”在生物多样性保护、调节小气候、改善区域环境、控制土壤侵蚀等方面的作用及其经济效益。初步探讨了“神山”植被演替的过程和方式。针对广西岩溶地区“神山”将面临植被退化、群落逆行演替的严峻形势,提出了保护“神山”、恢复岩溶地区植被的建议。 |
Abstract | Holy Hill is an important part of ethnobotany culture for Guangxi Karst Region. This paper probe into the Holy Hill's intension of social culture, deals with its ecological benefit in biodiversity protection, improving microclimate and environment, soil erosion controlling and its economical effects. The process and fashion of vegetation dynamics in Holy Hill are preliminary discussed. Because of the human activities and overgrazing could bring about the degradation of vegetation in Holy Hill. some suggestions are given for its preservation and restoration to the vegetations of Guangxi Karst Region. |
关键词 | 神山; 社会文化; 生态经济效益; 岩溶地区; |
Key words | Holy Hill; social culture; eco-economic benefit; Guangxi Karst Region |
作者 | 李先琨,苏宗明 |
所在单位 | 广西植物研究所,桂林 5 4 1 0 0 6 |
点击量 | 1122 |
下载次数 | 886 |