摘要 | 为了更好地保护濒危植物圆籽荷(Apterosperma oblata Hung T. Chang),对广东省鹅凰嶂省级自然保护区圆籽荷集中分布区域开展群落调查,采用Levins指数、Shannon指数、Pianka指数(Oik)、Schoener指数(Cik)分析该群落乔木层优势种(重要值大于1.5%)的生态位特征,采用方差比率、统计量、χ2检验、联结系数和Spearman秩相关系数分析优势种的种间联结性,并对Spearman秩相关系数与Oik和Cik值进行线性回归分析。结果表明:粉绿柯(Lithocarpus glaucus Chun et C. C. Huang ex H. G. Ye)重要值最大(6.13%),圆籽荷重要值排名第5(2.45%)。天料木〔Homalium cochinchinense (Lour.) Druce〕、鹅掌柴〔Heptapleurum heptaphyllum (Linn.) Y. F. Deng〕、锡兰蒲桃〔Syzygium zeylanicum (Linn.) DC.〕和革叶铁榄〔Sinosideroxylon wightianum (Hook. et Arn.) Aubrév.〕的Levins指数和Shannon指数均较高,而圆籽荷的Levins指数和Shannon指数均较低。21个优势种组成的210个种对的Oik和Cik均值分别为0.51和0.49;整体来看,圆籽荷与木荷(Schima superb Gardner et Champ.)和粉绿柯等树种的Oik和Cik值较高,说明当群落资源有限时,这些树种可能与圆籽荷存在竞争关系。该群落乔木层优势种的总体联结性为显著正联结;χ2检验、联结系数和Spearman秩相关系数分析结果均显示,这些优势种的种间联结性多不显著,圆籽荷与多数树种的联结性也不显著。线性回归分析结果显示乔木层优势种间的联结性越强,其生态位重叠度和生态位相似性越高。综上,广东省鹅凰嶂省级自然保护区圆籽荷所在群落目前处于演替后期,乔木层优势种间的联结性较弱,圆籽荷与多数树种的联结性也较弱。在对该圆籽荷种群进行保护时,建议减少对生境的人为干扰,并科学管理与圆籽荷生态位重叠度和生态位相似性较高的树种。
Abstract | To better protect the endangered plant Apterosperma oblata Hung T. Chang, a community survey was conducted in the concentrated distribution area of A. oblata in Ehuangzhang Provincial Nature Reserve of Guangdong Province, the niche characteristics of dominant species (importance value greater than 1.5%) in arbor layer of this community were analyzed by using Levins index, Shannon index, Pianka index (Oik), and Schoener index (Cik), and the interspecific associations among the dominant species were analyzed by using variance ratio, statistics, χ2 test, association coefficient, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient, and the linear regression analyses were conducted between Spearman rank correlation coefficient and Oik and Cik values. The results show that the importance value of Lithocarpus glaucus Chun et C. C. Huang ex H. G. Ye is the largest (6.13%), and that of A. oblata ranks the fifth (2.45%). The Levins indexes and Shannon indexes of Homalium cochinchinense (Lour.) Druce, Heptapleurum heptaphyllum (Linn.) Y. F. Deng, Syzygium zeylanicum (Linn.) DC., and Sinosideroxylon wightianum (Hook. et Arn.) Aubrév. are all relatively high, while those of A. oblata are both relatively low. The mean values of Oik and Cik of the 210 species pairs composed of 21 dominant species are 0.51 and 0.49, respectively; overall, the Oik and Cik values of A. oblata with some tree species such as Schima superb Gardner et Champ. and L. glaucus are relatively high, indicating that there may be a competitive relationship between these tree species and A. oblata when community resources are limited. The overall association among the dominant species in arobr layer of this community is significant positive association; the results of χ2 test, association coefficient, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient analysis all indicate that the interspecific associations among these dominant species are mostly not significant, and the associations between A. oblata and most tree species are also not significant. The linear regression analysis results reveal that the stronger the associations between the dominant species in arbor layer, the greater the niche overlap and niche similarity. In conclusion, the community including A. oblata in Ehuangzhang Provincial Nature Reserve of Guangdong Province is currently in the late stage of succession, the associations among the dominant species in arbor layer are relatively weak, and the associations between A. oblata and most tree species are also relatively weak. When protecting this A. oblata population, it is recommended to reduce human disturbance to the habitat and scientifically manage tree species which have large niche overlap and niche similarity with A. oblata.
关键词 | 圆籽荷; 生态位; 种间联结; 优势种 |
Key words | Apterosperma oblata Hung T. Chang; niche; interspecific association; dominant species |
作者 | 莫金凤1, 曾睿楷1, 周庆1,2, 莫其锋1,2, 赵倩1,2 |
所在单位 | 1. 华南农业大学林学与风景园林学院, 广东 广州 510642;2. 中国森林生态系统定位观测研究网络广东鹅凰嶂野外科学观测研究站, 广东 阳江 529631 |
点击量 | 215 |
下载次数 | 283 |
基金项目 | 广东省林业局2024年自然资源事务(生态林业建设)专项: 连南大叶茶林麝等四种珍稀濒危动植物种质资源发掘与保护(F24027) |