2024年10月23日 星期三
On the changes of physical and chemical properties and nutrient composition of blackberry juice in storage
1997年 第6卷 第1期 页码[20-24]    下载全文[0.6MB]  

对黑莓浓缩汁的理化特性及其营养成分变化进行研究, 结果表明:pH 34, 波长 511514nm , 果汁色泽最佳;果汁抗氧化还原能力很弱, 但具有很强的光和热的稳定性0 4 低温贮1 年后, 6 种维生素的损失率都超过 50 %;含糖量损失 40.7 %;SOD 活性和氨基酸含量分别损失10%12.4 %;含酸量略有增加


Based upon investigations on physical and chemical properties and the change of nutrients of concentrated blackberry juice in storage, it was indicated that the best juice color occured at pH 3 4 and the absorptive waveleng th of 511 514 nm .In spite of its low activity in anti-o xidation and anti -reduction, it appears high stability both to light and heat .After one year storage under low temperature ( 04 ) , the losses of 6 kinds o f vitamin, sugar , SOD activity and total amino-acids are >50%, 40.7%, 10 % and 12.4% respectively, whereas the acid content of the juice is a little bit increased.

关键词黑莓浓缩汁; 理化特性; 营养成分;
Key wordsco ncentrated blackberry juice; physical and chemical proper ties; nutrient composition
作者孙醉君, 张美琴 ,桑建忠 ,顾 姻
所在单位江 苏 省中国科学院植物研究所, 南京 210014