2025年3月12日 星期三
Analysis on growth and leaf color variation of hybrid F1 generation seedlings of Ginkgo biloba ‘Golden leaves’
2023年 第32卷 第4期 页码[1-11]    下载全文[1.1MB]  

以金叶银杏(Ginkgo biloba ‘Golden leaves’)为母本、银杏(G. biloba Linn.)为父本杂交产生的F1代(包括黄叶型Ⅰ、绿叶型Ⅰ、黄叶型Ⅱ、绿叶型Ⅱ)实生苗为材料,当地品种‘泰兴大佛指’(‘Taixing Dafozhi’)为对照,利用Logistic方程拟合苗木生长模型,探究各材料苗木生长规律及代谢物含量和叶色的动态变化特征。结果表明:杂交F1代黄叶型苗高呈“S”型增长,绿叶型苗高呈对数型增长,先快后慢;所有材料的地径均呈“S”型增长。在苗木生长150 d时,杂交F1代不同苗木间的单株质量差异不显著(P>0.05)。在不同生长时间,可溶性糖含量均表现为绿叶型Ⅰ高于黄叶型Ⅰ、绿叶型Ⅱ高于黄叶型Ⅱ;在120 d时,各材料的淀粉含量较90 d大幅升高,且黄叶型Ⅰ和绿叶型Ⅰ的淀粉含量显著(P<0.05)高于其他材料;在90~120 d,可溶性蛋白质含量表现为黄叶型Ⅰ高于绿叶型Ⅰ、黄叶型Ⅱ高于绿叶型Ⅱ。在150 d时,总黄酮含量表现为‘泰兴大佛指’显著高于4个杂交F1代、黄叶型Ⅰ高于绿叶型Ⅰ、黄叶型Ⅱ高于绿叶型Ⅱ。在30~90 d,黄叶型的亮度参数值(L*)、红/绿色相值(a*)、黄/蓝色相值(b*)整体上随时间推移显著降低,且L*和b*均表现为黄叶型显著高于绿叶型。在30~90 d,黄叶型的总叶绿素含量随时间推移逐渐升高,而绿叶型的总叶绿素含量在60 d达到最大值。苗木质量评价结果显示:苗木质量排名由高到低依次为‘泰兴大佛指’、黄叶型Ⅰ、黄叶型Ⅱ、绿叶型Ⅰ、绿叶型Ⅱ。综上所述,金叶银杏杂交F1代中黄叶型实生苗质量优于绿叶型。


Taking Ginkgo biloba ‘Golden leaves’ as female parent and G. biloba Linn. as male parent, their hybrid F1 generation (including yellow leaf type Ⅰ, green leaf type Ⅰ, yellow leaf type Ⅱ, green leaf type Ⅱ) seedlings were used as materials and local cultivar ‘Taixing Dafozhi’ was used as the control, the seedling growth model was established by using Logistic equation, and the growth rhythm  and dynamic change characteristics of metabolite content and leaf color of each material were investigated. The results show that the seedling heights of yellow leaf types of hybrid F1 generations  show an “S” type increase, while those of green leaf types show a logarithmic increase, which is first fast and then slow; the ground diameters of all materials show an “S” type increase. At 150 d of seedling growth, the differences in single plant mass between different seedlings of hybrid F1 generations  are not significant (P>0.05). At different growth times, soluble sugar content is higher in green leaf type Ⅰ than in yellow leaf type Ⅰ, and higher in green leaf type Ⅱ than in yellow leaf type Ⅱ; at 120 d, starch content in each material increases greatly compared with 90 d, and starch contents in yellow leaf type Ⅰ and green leaf type Ⅰ are significantly (P<0.05) higher than the other materials; during 90-120 d, soluble protein content is higher in yellow leaf type Ⅰ than in green leaf type Ⅰ, and higher in yellow leaf type Ⅱ than in green leaf type Ⅱ. At 150 d, total flavonoid content in ‘Taixing Dafozhi’ is significantly higher than four hybrid F1 generations, which is higher in yellow leaf type Ⅰ than in green leaf type Ⅰ, and higher in yellow leaf type Ⅱ than in green leaf type Ⅱ. During 30-90 d, lightness parameter value (L*), red/green phase value (a*), and yellow/blue phase value (b*) of yellow leaf types significantly decrease with the elongation of time in general, and both L* and b* of yellow leaf types are significantly higher than green leaf types. During 30-90 d, total chlorophyll contents in yellow leaf types gradually increase with the elongation of time, while those in green leaf types reach the highest value at 60 d. The evaluation result of seedling quality shows that the seedling quality ranking from high to low is ‘Taixing Dafozhi’, yellow leaf type Ⅰ, yellow leaf type Ⅱ, green leaf type Ⅰ, green leaf type Ⅱ. In conclusion, the seedling qualities of yellow leaf types of hybrid F1 generations of G. biloba are better than green leaf types.

关键词金叶银杏; 杂交选育; Logistic方程; 叶色; 苗木质量评价
Key wordsGinkgo biloba ‘Golden leaves’; cross breeding; Logistic equation; leaf color; seedling quality evaluation
作者王改萍1, 丁延朋2, 曹福亮1,3, 章雷1, 陈慧1, 赵群1
所在单位1. 南京林业大学林学院 南方现代林业协同创新中心, 江苏 南京 210037; 2. 福建省林业勘察设计院, 福建 福州 350001; 3. 江苏农林职业技术学院, 江苏 镇江 212400
基金项目江苏省科技项目(BE2021367); 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程项目(PAPD)