摘要 | 木兰科( Magnoliaceae) 植物是原始的被子植物, 中国是木兰科植物的起源中心, 在地史上木兰科植物有过广泛分布, 木兰科植物有重要经济用途。 近年来, 由于各地森林遭受强度破坏和碎化, 许多种类的生存受到严重威胁。本文主要探讨中国木兰科植物的地理分布和区系性质, 受威胁现状和保护措施, 以及木兰科植物的开发利用等。
Abstract | Magnoliaceae species are considered as most original angiosperm, which has had extensive
distribution in the earth history .It′s study has important role in approach to origin of angiosperm ;in the meantime, some species of Magnoliaceae grow quickly and have great developmental potantial in timber,making green of cities, towns and grounds, fragrans and medicine .Recently, owing to the forests of different regions are severely destroyed and fragmetized, leading many species to fall into threatened condition .Thus, their conservation and research attract people′s attention .The paper intends to make a simple introduction in the floristic nature and geographical distribution of Magnoliaceae species in China, their threatened status and conservation measures, ex-situ conservation and the use perspective .