2024年10月23日 星期三
The introduction and selection of Calligonum L. and Tamarix L. , their adverse resistance and afforestation in the deserty areas of Ningxia
1992年 第1卷 第3期 页码[60-62]    下载全文[0.4MB]  

 This paper gives the results of introduction and selection of Colligonum L. and Tamarix L. C.klementzii is significantly the best species among the 13 species of introduced Colligonum L. C. caput-medusae is the second. T. austromogolica has been selected as the most suitable species among the 15 species of introduced Tamarix and then T. hohenacheri. In addition, investigation on adverse resistance and afforestation technique of Calligomum L. and Tamarix L. has also been made.

关键词沙拐枣属; 柽柳属; 引选; 抗逆性; 造林技术;
Key wordsColligonum L.; Tamarix L.; introduction and selection; adverse resistance; afforestation technique
作者于 卫 平, 徐 荣 ,刘 志 ,王 北
所在单位宁夏农林 科学院林业研究所 , 银 川 7 5 0 0 0 4