2024年10月23日 星期三
Study on storage property of fresh fruit of blackberry ( Rubus spp.) cultivar ‘ Boysen’
2010年 第19卷 第3期 页码[28-36]    下载全文[0.8MB]  

 对黑莓(Rubus spp.)品种‘Boysen’不同成熟度(七成熟、八成熟和九成熟)的鲜果在常温(25 ℃)和低温(4  ℃)条件下的贮藏特性进行了研究,对贮藏时间以及贮藏前后果实的感官指标(色泽、香味和霉烂指数)、形态指标(质量和平均果径)及品质指标(可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量、总花色苷含量以及固酸比)进行了比较。结果表明,不同成熟度和贮藏温度对黑莓鲜果的贮藏时间有明显影响,常温条件下九成熟、八成熟和七成熟果实的贮藏时间分别为3、4 和5 d,低温条件下则分别为7、9 和14 d;果实霉烂指数则随成熟度的提高及贮藏时间的延长不断提高,成熟度或贮藏温度越低(大于0  ℃),霉烂指数越小,果实的贮藏时间就越长;七成熟和八成熟的果实贮藏后色泽加深、香味变浓,而九成熟果实贮藏前后色泽和香味变化不大。采摘时不同成熟度的果实形态指标和品质指标具有一定的差异,其中,果实成熟度越大,果实质量、平均果径、可溶性固形物含量、固酸比及总花色苷含量越高,可滴定酸含量越低。低温及常温下贮藏后果实质量及平均果径、可溶性固形物含量和可滴定酸含量均不同程度减少,而固酸比和总花色苷含量均不同程度提高,但在低温贮藏条件下各项指标的变化幅度明显小于常温。总体上,在低温条件下,八成熟果实的霉烂指数低,贮藏时间较长,贮藏后的果实质量和平均果径变化幅度小,可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量和总花色苷含量以及固酸比逐渐接近九成熟果实,果实品质提高。因而,在实际生产中宜采收八成熟果实并在4  ℃条件下贮藏和运输,能较好地保持黑莓鲜果的品质。


The storage property of blackberry (Rubus spp.) cultivar ‘Boysen’fresh fruit with different mature degrees (70%, 80% and 90% maturity) was studied under normal temperature (25  ℃) and low temperature (4  ℃), and also, the storage time and sensory indexes (color, aroma and decay index), morphological indexes (weight and average diameter) and quality indexes (contents of soluble solid, titratable acid and total anthocyanin and ratio of soluble solid to titratable acid) were compared before and after storage. The results show that different mature degrees and storage temperatures have obvious influence on storage time of the fruits, and storage time of fruits of 70%, 80% and 90% maturity under normal temperature is 5, 4 and 3 d respectively, while that under low temperature is 14, 9 and 7 d respectively. The decay index of fruit increases with enhancing of mature degree and prolonging of storage time, and the lower mature degree or storage temperature (>0  ℃), the smaller decay index, the longer storage time. After storage, the fruits of 70% and 80% maturity appear color deepening and aroma thickening, while those of 90% maturity have a little change in color and aroma before and after storage. At harvesting, the morphological and quality indexes of fruit with different mature degrees have a certain difference, in which, the higher mature degree, the higher fruit weight, average diameter, soluble solid content, ratio of soluble solid to titratable acid and total anthocyanin content, and the lower titratable acid content. After storage under normal or low temperatures, the fruit weight and average diameter, contents of soluble solid and titratable acid all decrease with different extents, and ratio of soluble solid to titratable acid and total anthocyanin content increase with different extents, but change range of these indexes under low temperature is smaller than that under normal temperature. Generally, under low temperature, the 80% maturity fruit has lower decay index and longer storage time, change range of fruit weight and average diameter is small, and ratio of soluble solid to titratable acid, contents of soluble solid, titratable acid and total anthocyanin approach nearly those of 90% maturity fruit, therefore, fruit quality increases. It is suggested that the fruit of 80% maturity should be harvested in production, and be stored and transported under 4  ℃, as a result blackberry fresh fruit quality can be kept.

关键词黑莓品种‘Boysen’; 果实; 贮藏温度; 成熟度; 贮藏特性
Key wordsblackberry (Rubus spp.) cultivar ‘Boysen’; fruit; storage temperature; mature degree; storage property
作者赵慧芳, 王小敏, 吴文龙, 李维林, 李海燕, 屈乐文
所在单位江苏省•中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏南京210014
基金项目江苏省农业高科技项目(BG2007311); 江苏省科技基础设施建设计划项目(BM2008101)