2025年2月5日 星期三
Vegetation classification and comparative analysis of species diversity of community at different succession stages in Huoshan Mountain of Shanxi Province
2009年 第18卷 第3期 页码[56-62]    下载全文[1MB]  



The classification of community (fifty-six quadrats belonging to twelve plots) of Huoshan Mountain vegetation in Shanxi Province was carried out by TWINSPAN, and the species diversity at different succession stages was also comparatively analyzed by using species diversity index, richness index and evenness index. The results show that using TWINSPAN, the fifty-sixquadrats can be divided into ten groups, those are named as ten associations: Assoc. Carya cathayensis+Populus tomentosa-Ostryopsis davidiana - Thalictrum aquilegifolium var. sibiricum (Ⅰ), Assoc. Carya cathayensis-Ostryopsis davidiana-Artemisia sacrorum (Ⅱ), Assoc. Plantago asiatica+Artemisia argyi+Aconitum carmichaeli(Ⅲ), Assoc. Carya cathayensis+Pinus tabulaeformis-Spiraea pubescens-Eriophorum gracile(Ⅳ),Assoc. Pinus tabulaeformis-Spiraea salicifolia-Eriophorum gracile(Ⅴ), Assoc.Pinus tabulaeformis-Hippophaerhamnoides-Imperatacylindrica(Ⅵ),Assoc.Quercus wutaishanica+Carya cathayensis-Rosaxanthina-Eriophorum gracile(Ⅶ), Assoc. Larix principis-rupprechtii-Carpinus turczaninowii-Duchesnea indica(Ⅷ), Assoc.Philadelphus incanus-Peucedanum terebinthaceum (Ⅸ) and Assoc. Spiraea salicifolia- Imperata cylindrica(Ⅹ). These ten associations can be classified into six succession stages, that is abandoned land pioneer community stage (Assoc.Ⅲ),  herb community stage  (Assoc.Ⅹ), shrub community stage(Assoc.Ⅸ), pioneer arbor community stage(Assoc.Ⅰ andⅡ), mixed  forest transitional community stage(Assoc. Ⅳ ,Ⅴ ,Ⅵ andⅧ) and climax community stage (Assoc.Ⅶ). Along with succession proceeding, all indexes of species diversity, richness and evenness appear rising trend, and reach to the maximum value at middle and late phases of succession (mixed forest transitional community stage).And the indexes of species diversity of tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer have a variant changing trend at different succession stages .There is an extremely significant correlation between Margalef's richness index and Shannon-Wiener's diversity index (P< 0.01), and the significant correlations also exist among other indexes of species diversity,  richness and evenness(P< 0.05). It is suggested that there is a full succession series of vegetation in Huoshan Mountain, and during the process of vegetation succession, the number of species and individual and complexity of community structure are on the increase obviously.

关键词山西霍山; 演替阶段; 群丛; 双向指示种分析法; 物种多样性指数; 相关性分析
Key wordsHuoshan Mountain of Shanxi Province; succession stage; association; TWINSPAN; species diversity index; correlation analysis
作者闫 明,毕润成
基金项目山西省留学基金项目(20081073); 山西师范大学校基金项目(YZ08009);