摘要 | 以盆栽荷花(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)8个花部性状和4个生长性状为评价因子,运用层次分析(AHP)法和灰色关联分析法相结合的方法对初选的30个荷花早花品种进行综合评价。结果表明:运用层次分析法得到荷花早花品种各性状的权重,其中初花时间所占权重最大,为0.264 6;着花数量、花叶协调性和株高所占权重也较大,分别为0.135 5、0.121 0和0.114 7,该结果与预期目标一致。基于灰色关联分析和聚类分析,供试30个荷花早花品种分为优秀、良好和一般3个等级,分别含6、16和8个品种。优秀级品种‘钱塘骄阳’(‘Qiantangjiaoyang’)、‘湘湖映红’(‘Xianghuyinghong’)、‘湘湖凤蝶’(‘Xianghufengdie’)、‘越城芙蕖’(‘Yuechengfuqu’)、‘俊愉莲’(‘Junyulian’)和‘湘湖烟雨’(‘Xianghuyanyu’)的花期早,观赏性高,其中,‘钱塘骄阳’表现最优,5月24日初花,花叶协调性好,着花数量多达15.6个。本研究建立的综合评价体系可对荷花早花品种进行科学评价,并筛选出自然花期早且观赏价值高的荷花早花品种。 |
Abstract | Taking 8 floral characters and 4 growth characters of potted Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. as evaluation factors, 30 early flowering cultivars of N. nucifera were comprehensively evaluated by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and grey correlation analysis methods. The results show that the weights of characters of early flowering cultivars of N. nucifera were obtained by using AHP method, in which the weight of initial flowering time is the largest, which is 0.264 6; the weights of number of flowers, coordination between flower and leaf, and plant height are also relatively large, which are 0.135 5, 0.121 0, and 0.114 7, respectively. This result is consistent with the expected goal. Based on grey correlation analysis and clustering analysis, 30 early flowering cultivars tested of N. nucifera can be divided into 3 grades, namely excellent, good, and general, which include 6, 16, and 8 cultivars respectively. 6 excellent cultivars of ‘Qiantangjiaoyang’, ‘Xianghuyinghong’, ‘Xianghufengdie’, ‘Yuechengfuqu’, ‘Junyulian’, and ‘Xianghuyanyu’ have early blooming period and high ornamental value, in which ‘Qiantangjiaoyang’ has the best characteristics. ‘Qiantangjiaoyang’ begins to bloom on May 24th, and has a good coordination between flower and leaf, and its flower number reaches 15.6. The comprehensive evaluation system established in this study can be used to scientifically assess the early flowering cultivars of N. nucifera and select the early flowering cultivars of N. nucifera with early natural blooming period and high ornamental value. |
关键词 | 荷花; 早花品种; 品种筛选; 层次分析法; 灰色关联分析法 |
Key words | Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.; early flowering cultivar; cultivar selection; analytic hierarchy process method; grey correlation analysis method |
作者 | 常宝亮1, 陈俊杰1, 钱萍2, 沈志国3, 王永江3, 金奇江1, 王彦杰1, 徐迎春1 |
所在单位 | 1. 南京农业大学园艺学院 农业农村部景观农业重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210095;2. 杭州西湖风景名胜区灵隐管理处, 浙江 杭州 310007; 3. 浙江伟达园林工程有限公司, 浙江 杭州 311201 |
点击量 | 8540 |
下载次数 | 1265 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31772146; 31971710; 32071829); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(KYZZ201919); 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目 |