摘要 | 选择5个具有地理代表性的鹅掌楸(Liriodenron chinense (Hemsl. ) Sarg.)种群,分析6种酶系统9个位点上27个等位基因的遗传变异。结果表明,鹅掌楸种内保存较高的等位酶变异。遗传多样性的分布特点与种群地理分布型式一致,鹅掌楸的种内分化主要表现为东、西部种群之间的差异,东部亚区的总的基因丰富程度低于西部亚区。同时,东部亚区内“岛”状隔离分布使其中的种群分化加深,种群间差异大于西部亚区中呈“带”状地理连续分布的种群间的分化。 |
Abstract | Genetic variations of 5 geographically representative populations of Liriodenron chinense (Hemsl. ) Sarg. are researched on 27 alleles of 9 loci coding for 6 kinds of allozyme. The results indicated that there are relatively high allozyme variations in the species. Its genetic diversity distribution is pretty consistent with the "belt and islands" pattern of its geographical distribution. The differentiation within the species is mainly between the western "belt" and the eastern "islands", which manifests to be less diversified and with fewer alleles. In addition, the greater gene differentiation is fouild between populations of eastern "islands" rather than that among populations in western "belt". This is due to the isolation between the eastern populations. The results of this genetic research strongly support the concept of the phytogeographical differentiation process of L. chnense. |
关键词 | 鹅掌楸; 等位酶; 遗传多样性; 种群分化; |
Key words | Liriodenron chinense (Hemsl. ) Sarg.; allozyme; genetic diversity; population differentiation |
作者 | 朱晓琴,马建霞,姚青菊,郝日明,贺善安 |
所在单位 | 江苏省植物研究所中国科学院植物研究所,南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1204 |
下载次数 | 931 |
基金项目 | 国家自然科学基金; |