2025年3月13日 星期四
Species composition, niche, and interspecific relationships of Semiliquidambar cathayensis natural community in Tiantai Mountain of Fujian Province
2021年 第30卷 第6期 页码[19-28]    下载全文[10.4MB]  

在实地调查的基础上,对分布于福建天台山半枫荷(Semiliquidambar cathayensis Chang)天然群落的物种组成、生态位特征及种间关系进行分析。结果表明:半枫荷群落乔木层和灌木层植物共有27科39属70种645株,其中,乔木层有23科36属47种424株,灌木层有26科38属52种221株。乔木层中半枫荷的重要值为7.19%,位居第2,为乔木层的优势种,Levins生态位宽度和Shannon-Weaver生态位宽度位居第4,而灌木层中半枫荷的重要值仅为0.94%,生态位宽度排名也靠后。乔木层和灌木层中主要种类(重要值排名前31位)生态位重叠值的平均值分别为0.571和0.500,并且,乔木层中半枫荷与赤杨叶〔Alniphyllum fortunei (Hemsl.) Makino〕、米槠〔Castanopsis carlesii (Hemsl.) Hayata.〕和红楠(Machilus thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc.)等7个种类的生态位重叠值较大。χ2检验结果显示:半枫荷群落乔木层和灌木层中多数种对呈不显著正关联,种间独立性相对较强。从共同出现百分率看,半枫荷仅与栲(Castanopsis fargesii Franch.)紧密关联;从联结系数看,半枫荷与木油桐(Vernicia montana Lour.)、毛锥(Castanopsis fordii Hance)、木荷(Schima superba Gardn. et Champ.)、山胡椒〔Lindera glauca (Sieb. et Zucc.) Bl.〕及甜槠〔Castanopsis eyrei (Champ. ex Benth.) Tutch.〕紧密关联。半枫荷群落稳定性交点坐标为(35.45,65.19),群落稳定性较差。综上所述,福建天台山半枫荷天然群落中,半枫荷与多数种类种间联结性不显著,其分布具有一定的独立性和随机性。由于群落中缺乏半枫荷幼苗,群落稳定性较差,种间竞争较激烈,在未来群落演替过程中,半枫荷可能会被偏阴性种类取代,建议对其进行就地保护。


On the basis of field investigation, the species composition, niche characteristics, and interspecific relationships of natural community of Semiliquidambar cathayensis Chang in Tiantai Mountain of Fujian Province were analyzed. The results show that there are 645 individuals belonging to 70 species in 39 genera of 27 families in arbor layer and shrub layer of S. cathayensis community in total, in which, there are 424 individuals belonging to 47 species in 36 genera of 23 families in arbor layer and 221 individuals belonging to 52 species in 38 genera of 26 families in shrub layer. The importance value of S. cathayensis in arbor layer is 7.19%, ranking the second, which is the dominant species in arbor layer, and its Levins niche breadth and Shannon-Weaver niche breadth rank the fourth, while the importance value of S. cathayensis in shrub layer is only 0.94%, and its niche breadth is also lower. The average niche overlap values of main species (the top 31 in importance value) in arbor layer and shrub layer are 0.571 and 0.500 respectively. Moreover, niche overlap values of S. cathayensis with 7 species of Alniphyllum fortunei (Hemsl.) Makino, Castanopsis carlesii (Hemsl.) Hayata, Machilus thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc., etc. are large. The result of χ2 test shows that most species pairs in arbor layer and shrub layer of S. cathayensis community show nonsignificant positive association, and the interspecific independence is relatively strong. Regarding the percentage of cooccurrence, S. cathayensis is only closely associated with Castanopsis fargesii Franch.; concerning the association coefficient, S. cathayensis is closely associated with Vernicia montana Lour., Castanopsis fordii Hance, Schima superba Gardn. et Champ., Lindera glauca (Sieb. et Zucc.) Bl., and Castanopsis eyrei (Champ. ex Benth.) Tutch. The coordinates of stability intersection point of S. cathayensis community are (35.45, 65.19), indicating that the community stability is poor. In conclusion, in the natural community of S. cathayensis in Tiantai Mountain of Fujian Province, there is no significant association between S. cathayensis and most species, and its distribution has certain independence and randomness. Due to the lack of S. cathayensis seedlings, poor community stability, and intense interspecific competition in the community, S. cathayensis may be replaced by negative species in the future community succession process, therefore, in situ conservation for S. cathayensis is recommended.

关键词半枫荷; 物种组成; 生态位宽度; 生态位重叠; 种间联结; Godron稳定性指数
Key wordsSemiliquidambar cathayensis Chang; species composition; niche breadth; niche overlap; interspecific association; Godron stability index
作者叶兴状1, 王妙青1, 程诺1, 张明珠1, 范辉华2, 张国防1, 赖日文1, 刘宝1
所在单位1. 福建农林大学林学院, 福建 福州 350002; 2. 福建省林业科学研究院特色资源研究所, 福建 福州 350012
基金项目福建省第三轮种业创新与产业化工程(ZYCX-LY-2017002); 福州-定西东西部扶贫协作水土流失综合治理项目(KH180062A); 福建农林大学科技创新项目(KFA17069A)