摘要 | 以 MWPM 为基本培养基,在总氮浓度不变的前提下比较了铵态氮( NH4 + -N)与硝态氮( NO3 - -N)比例对南方高丛蓝浆果(Vaccinium corymbosum hybrids)品种‘南月’(‘Southmoon’)优选系 A47、A119 和 A167 丛生枝增殖和生长的影响。 结果表明:与对照也n(NH4 +-N) ︰ n( NO3 --N) = 4︰10页相比,当培养基中的 n( NH4 + -N) ︰n( NO3 - -N)调整为 5︰10、6︰10、7︰10、8︰10、9︰10 和 10︰10 时,总体上对优选系 A47、A119 和 A167 丛生枝的总增殖倍数、有效增殖倍数、鲜质量、干质量、含水量、总长度以及叶片叶绿素含量有一定的提高作用,具体表现则因优选系的基因型而异。调整培养基中n(NH4 +-N) ︰ n( NO3 --N)为 7︰10,优选系 A47 丛生枝的总增殖倍数、有效增殖倍数、鲜质量、干质量和总长度均显著提高,叶片叶绿素含量也有所提高。 调整培养基中n(NH4 +-N) ︰ n( NO3 --N)为 7︰10 和 9︰10,对优选系 A119 和 A167 丛生枝的生长有一定的促进作用,但总体增殖效果与对照无显著差异。 研究结果显示:培养基中的铵态氮与硝态氮比例对南方高丛蓝浆果丛生枝的增殖及生长有一定的影响;在离体增殖时应针对不同品种或优选系采用适宜的 NH4 + -N 与 NO3 - -N 比例。 |
Abstract | On the premise of invariant total nitrogen concentration, effect of different proportions of ammonium nitrogen (NH4 +-N) to nitrate nitrogen ( NO3 --N) on proliferation and growth of clumpy shoot of superior strains A47, A119 and A167 of southern highbush blueberry ( Vaccinium corymbosum hybrids) cultivar ‘ Southmoon’ was compared taking MWPM as basic medium. The results show thatwhen n(NH4 +-N) ︰ n( NO3 --N) is adjusted to 5︰10, 6︰10, 7 ︰10, 8 ︰10, 9 ︰10 and 10 ︰10 in medium, generally there are certain enhancing effects on total proliferation times, effective proliferation times, fresh weight, dry weight, water content, total length and chlorophyll content in leaf of clumpy shoots of superior strains A47, A119 and A167 compared with the control [n(NH4 +-N) ︰ n( NO3 --N) = 4︰10], but concrete manifestations are varied with genotypes of superior strains. When n(NH4 +-N) ︰ n( NO3 --N) is adjusted to 7︰10 in medium, total proliferation times, effective proliferation times, fresh and dry weights and total length of clumpy shoot of superior strain A47 all increase significantly, and leaf chlorophyll content also increases. And the proportion is adjusted to 7︰10 and 9︰10, that can promote certainly growth of clumpy shoot of superior strains A119 and A167, but no significant differences in general proliferation effect compared with the control. It is concluded that the proportion of ammonium nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen in medium has a certain effect on proliferation and growth of clumpy shoot of southern highbush blueberry, and in proliferation process in vitro, the suitable proportion of ammonium nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen should be used for different cultivars or superior strains. |
关键词 | 南方高丛蓝浆果; 丛生枝; 铵态氮; 硝态氮; 增殖; 生长 |
Key words | southern highbush blueberry ( Vaccinium corymbosum hybrids); superior strain; clumpy shoot; ammonium nitrogen; nitrate nitrogen; proliferation; growth |
作者 | 邓桂秀, 姜燕琴, 宋鹏飞, 於虹 |
所在单位 | 江苏省• 中国科学院植物研究所(南京中山植物园), 江苏 南京 210014 |
点击量 | 1250 |
下载次数 | 958 |
基金项目 | 国家农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项(nyhyzx07-028); 国家科学技术部成果推广项目(04efn215300275); 南京市科学技术局现代农业重大技术研究与应用项目(200901018) |